Chapter 1024 Finally agree

If you forget that girl, you can solve his drowsiness. If you forget that girl, you don't have to forget An Qiaoran...

He didn't want to forget An Qiaoran, so when he heard Nade say this, his heart throbbed a little.

Nade saw that he was thinking deeply and said nothing, so he knew that he was moved, so he didn't speak, and gave him time to think.

The study was extremely quiet, and Lu Yuchen didn't know how long it took before he looked at Nade, "Why should I think what you said is true?"

"Master, I won't lie to you. I also hope that you and the young lady can be together happily. I won't harm you."

Nade spoke sincerely, looking at Lu Yuchen with determination in his eyes.

Naturally, Lu Yuchen also believed in Nade, hesitated for a moment, nodded, and said, "You will handle this matter yourself."

Seeing that he finally agreed, Nade was very happy, "Good young master, I will definitely find the best psychiatrist for you."

Lu Yuchen didn't speak, just put his hands in his pockets, walked to the French window and stood down, looking at the light rain falling outside, with a cold expression.

Looking at Lu Yuchen's back, Nade felt guilty, turned and left without saying anything.

Since Lu Yuchen could be persuaded, there was no need for Mo Yixuan, he had to tell him.

Nade left the study and came to the stairs on the second floor, just in time to see Qiao Yu standing there with his chin in his hands, as if observing the lobby on the first floor, very leisurely.

"Miss Joe."

Nade came down the stairs and said hello as a courtesy.

Qiao Yu didn't respond to him, and continued to look at the scenery downstairs in a good mood. It was nothing, but An Qiaoran was chatting with Qiao Ze there. Although she couldn't hear clearly, she also knew that they were talking about going to country A tomorrow. things.

Thinking that An Qiaoran would be separated from Lu Yuchen tomorrow, she felt inexplicably happy.

Downstairs, An Qiaoran and Qiao Ze talked about going to country A, and Qiao Ze Lanyan was very happy!Nade came over.

"Young lady."

"How is it? Does Lu Yuchen like to eat that mung bean cake? What does he say?" After all, it was the most thoughtful time for me, and I am very concerned about the result of this time.

"The young master said it was delicious, and he was reluctant to eat a piece, so he wanted to save it for later." Nade said.

"Really? He really said that?" An Qiaoran stood up excitedly, "Since he likes to eat so much, then I'll go and make more for her."

An Qiaoran said, and was about to go to the kitchen, but was stopped by Nade.

"Young madam, although the young master likes to eat it, the taste of the mung bean cake will change after a long time. I think it's better to forget it!"

The young master is about to undergo psychological treatment. If he sees the mung bean cake she made during the period, it will be half the effort with twice the effort, and it may have a direct impact if it is serious.

Nade's words awakened An Qiaoran, "That's right!"

"It's okay! If Mr. Lu really likes the mung bean cake made by Ran Ran so much, after Ran Ran goes to country A, he can send it by air!"

Lan Yan at the side listened to the conversation between the two of them, and couldn't help but put forward an idea.

Nad did not speak.

An Qiaoran, on the other hand, looked happy, "That's right! I can airlift it back to him. It's a good way."

That night, An Qiaoran personally made dinner for Lu Yuchen, and the two of them lay on the bed, neither of them spoke, it was like a dream in the same bed.

"Lu Yuchen, are you still angry?"

After an unknown amount of time, An Qiaoran also turned over, looking at Lu Yuchen's back facing her.

"No." Lu Yuchen didn't turn around, and his voice was so cold that he couldn't tell the difference between happiness and anger.

"But you don't talk to me anymore." An Qiaoran said aggrievedly, pouted.

"Is there?" Lu Yuchen was stunned for a moment, then turned to face her, propped his head on one hand, "I'm just talking to you right now?"

(End of this chapter)

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