Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 1025 I Can't Live Without You

Chapter 1025 I Can't Live Without You
"What you said is nonsense," An Qiaoran said.

"Oh?" Lu Yuchen raised his eyebrows and looked at her with interest.

"I'm leaving tomorrow. I'll be away from you for a month. This is the last night I'll spend with you. I won't be able to sleep with you for a month. So you have nothing to say to me?"

If it was the past, Lu Yuchen would definitely cling to her and say a lot of nasty things, but tonight, he was surprisingly quiet, and his quietness made her feel abnormal.

"If I tell you, can you not go?" Lu Yuchen looked at her and asked with raised eyebrows.

"will not."

"That's it, what else do I have to say?" Lu Yuchen said it as a matter of course, showing nothing wrong at all.


An Qiaoran looked at her with deep scrutiny in her bright eyes, why, she can't understand Lu Yuchen now?Why he is so strange, she still doesn't know, why is he so strange.

"Look at me like that? Are you reluctant to part with me? can't sleep without me?" Lu Yuchen said, and put his lips to her ear, murmuring ambiguously.

An Qiaoran looked at the smile in his eyes, and the corners of his lips that seemed to be raised, and felt even more irritable.

"Let's not talk about it! Go to sleep."

An Qiaoran stretched out her hand to pull the quilt, and buried herself in the quilt. She didn't intend to continue to look at him and test him, because no matter how much she tried, she couldn't find anything, but it would only increase her troubles.

Lu Yuchen looked at her who was covering her with the quilt, and her eyes became darker.

"An Qiaoran." Lu Yuchen reached for her quilt, "You'll be suffocated like this."

"No, I think this is good." An Qiaoran's murmuring voice came, Lu Yuchen was very helpless, frowning tightly, trying to tear the quilt away, but was afraid of getting her, so he didn't care about her any more .

Lie down straight and look at the ceiling above your head.

"An Qiaoran, you went to country A, you must go to the hospital for an examination on time, you are pregnant with twins, it is very hard."

Hearing Lu Yuchen's magnetic voice, An Qiaoran was stunned for a second, then poked his head out, looked at Lu Yuchen's side face, and asked suspiciously.

"Are you going to tell me this?"


"I know!" An Qiaoran said, "I will be very careful."

After the words were finished, the room fell into silence again. After a long time, when An Qiaoran was about to fall asleep, Lu Yuchen's voice sounded again in the bedroom.

"An Qiaoran, didn't you always want to know, if you weren't a braid, would I have made my marriage public?"

Hearing this, An Qiaoran suddenly woke up from a drowsiness, looked at him, "I used to want to know, but it doesn't matter anymore."

"For me, it's still very important." Lu Yuchen looked at her, and his cold black eyes met her gaze, which was extremely hot.

"For me now, the little braid is the past, and you, An Qiaoran, are the present and even the future."

The magnetic and deep voice came to An Qiaoran's ears. She didn't expect Lu Yuchen to say this to her suddenly, and she froze for a moment without any response.

"An Qiaoran, I can't live without you."

Lu Yuchen just stared at her with sincerity in his eyes, An Qiaoran also looked at him, listening to his words, his heart was shocked.

" did you think of saying this all of a sudden?" Because he was at a loss, An Qiaoran couldn't even speak fluently.

"Just say what you want." Lu Yuchen changed the seriousness on his face, and returned to his previous overbearing, "I just want to warn you that the guy surnamed Mo is still in the Qiao Group, and you may run into him when you go to Country A." He, if you let me know what rumors are spreading between you and him, I will..."

(End of this chapter)

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