Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 1028 Don't Forget What Young Madam Said Before She Left

Chapter 1028 Don't Forget What Young Madam Said Before She Left

Lu Yuchen stood there for a long time, until he could no longer see An Qiaoran's shadow, and after the plane had taken off, he turned and left.

Three days later, Lu Yuchen was sitting in the living room eating the mung bean cake that he put in the refrigerator that day.

Nade came over, followed by a middle-aged man in a suit, about thirty, and a young and beautiful woman with a briefcase, about twenty-five six.

Nade came to Lu Yuchen with two people, and when he saw what Lu Yuchen was eating, he was startled.

"Master, this mung bean cake has been around for four days..."

If she remembers correctly, this mung bean cake was made for the young master by the young lady the night before she left. The young master kept it in the refrigerator and was reluctant to eat it. Unexpectedly, now...

Lu Yuchen ignored Nade's words, but slowly chewed the mung bean cake until he swallowed it, then looked up at Nade.

It was only then that Nade realized that there was someone else, so he quickly introduced him.

"Master, this is the world's top psychiatrist, Bert, and all the mentally ill patients he has dealt with are not unrecovered. This is his assistant, Lisa."

Following Nade's introduction, Bert also politely extended his hand to Lu Yuchen, and said with a smile, "Hi Mr. Lu, I'm Bert."

Facing Burt's enthusiasm, Lu Yuchen didn't react at all, just took a sip from the water glass, his movements were very leisurely.

Not getting a response from Lu Yuchen, Bert was a little embarrassed, took his hand back, looked at Lu Yuchen, and smiled politely.

"Although I have lived abroad all year round, I have also heard that President Lu of IE is cold and at ease. Now it seems that it is true."

He said he was cool and at ease, but he was actually saying that Lu Yuchen was arrogant.

"Don't tell me these things are useless." Lu Yuchen shook the glass water glass with a calm expression, and said indifferently, "I'm not mentally ill, I'm very sober, just use whatever you can."

Lu Yuchen never said a word of no value, and spoke bluntly.

"Mr. Lu is really joking, we are treating, not fighting." Bert laughed.

"For me, more or less."

Lu Yuchen drank the water in one gulp, then put the water glass on the table, stood up tall and looked at Burt.

"I just want to forget a person, a picture, some memories, and nothing else." This is the tone of warning.

"This is natural. Even if you don't tell Mr. Lu, I will do my best." There was still a harmonious smile on his face, which was in stark contrast to the indifference on Lu Yuchen's face.

Lu Yuchen sneered, "Then let's begin!"

"Now?" Bert was taken aback.

"Otherwise, how long do you think it will take?" Lu Yuchen frowned at him, sarcastically.

"I'm afraid it won't work now," Burt said.


"I think Mr. Lu, you are not very willing to receive treatment now, and your mood is impetuous. It is not suitable for treatment, and the effect is not good." Burt said seriously.

After Lu Yuchen listened to it, he became impatient, "I think you are really long-winded, you can't be cured!"

"Mr. Lu, this is your wish, and I have no right to interfere." Facing Lu Yuchen's obvious anger, Bert remained calm.


"Master, don't forget what the young lady said before she left." Lu Yuchen wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Nade.


Lu Yuchen lowered his eyes and said nothing.

An Qiaoran said, tell him not to be angry.

(End of this chapter)

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