Chapter 1029 Stop thinking about her

Seeing that Lu Yu had listened, Nade looked at Burt, "Mr. Burt, go ahead!"

Burt nodded to him, and then continued, "I already understand what Mr. Lu wants to forget, but Mr. Lu himself has too much resistance to forgetting, so I can't hypnotize you now."

"Then when will it be?" Nade looked at him and asked very concerned.

"This..." Burt paused for a moment, then looked at Lu Yuchen, "Mr. Lu must be completely calmed down, and willing to forget that memory from body to heart."

After Burt finished speaking, the hall was extremely quiet. Nade looked at Lu Yuchen who was extremely quiet and did not speak.

He knew that Lu Yuchen still cared about that memory very much, and he didn't want to forget it, but this was also the only way to heal him.

Nade stared at Lu Yuchen for a long time, then looked back at Bert, "Then what should we do now?"

"The main thing now is to prevent Mr. Lu from remembering the things he wants to forget, so now we need to keep all the things related to his memory away from his sight, so as not to make people emotional."

When Lu Yuchen heard this, his eyelashes trembled, but he didn't speak.

"I understand, I'll let someone do it now." Nade nodded knowingly, and seeing that Lu Yuchen didn't respond, he called the maid over.

"You two go and move all the things about the young lady and hide them, so that the young master can't see them."

"Understood, De Steward."

The maids responded and walked towards the stairs, but Lu Yuchen was still standing there.

Nade looked at the two mung bean cakes on the plate on the table, walked over to pick them up, and handed them to a maid, "Eat it! If you can't eat it, throw it away."

"Nade!" Lu Yuchen couldn't bear to see what Nade had done, so he yelled at him sullenly, and looked at him angrily.

"You are just a housekeeper, why do you dispose of my things at will?"

Lu Yuchen's voice was loud and angry, Bert and his assistant were stunned.

The maid who was about to reach out to pick up the mung bean cake was so frightened that her legs gave way and she almost knelt on the ground, lowering her head in fear.

"Master, I'm doing this for your own good. If you want to forget, you have to stop thinking about her first."

Nade said, "I know this mung bean cake is made by the young lady, but because of this, it should disappear."

Lu Yuchen stared at Nade, his eyes were very angry, very sullen, and strode over.

Just when everyone thought that Lu Yuchen was going to attack Nade, they saw him pick up the mung bean cake on the plate, put it in his mouth, chew and swallow it.

"Master, you..."

Nade was startled, quickly put down the plate and poured a glass of water to Lu Yuchen, "Master, drink some water first."

The two mung bean cakes were still very big, and he swallowed them in one gulp, afraid of choking on them.

Lu Yuchen stared at him fiercely, reached out and knocked the water glass away.

With a "bang", the water glass fell, and the water spilled all over the floor, splashing on Lu Yuchen Cheng Liang's leather shoes.

"Master..." Looking at Lu Yuchen like this, Nade really didn't know what to say.

Lu Yuchen glared at him fiercely, took two steps back, then turned and left, with big strides, and quickly walked out of the house, and soon there was the sound of the car's engine.

Nade was very helpless and shook his head.

The young master's obsession with the young lady is really deep.

"Steward De, since Mr. Lu has left, we..."

"During the young master's treatment, you will stay here first."

"However, I think Mr. Lu seems to be in pain and entangled. He doesn't want to forget at all. If I let him ignore his memory first, I think it will be very difficult."

Hearing this, Nade raised his eyes to Bert, "You are a psychiatrist, I think you will have a solution."

(End of this chapter)

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