Chapter 1032 Are you ready?
How could Lan Yan in the past care about these things?To her, liking is liking, and what other people think is not important at all, but now she is starting to worry.

Hearing An Qiaoran's question, Lan Yan's face darkened accordingly.

"What's wrong?" An Qiaoran saw something strange on her face.

"I used to have no memory and was naive, but now that I'm back at Qiao's house, I'm the eldest lady of Qiao's house. Can I still do whatever I want like before?"

"Miss Qiao, can't she be free?" An Qiaoran didn't understand.

"Sister Ran Ran, you don't understand." Lan Yan shook her head and smiled wryly, "When I was in Qiao's house, I didn't have any freedom at all. My father was not what he is now, and I was just a tool he used to get married. .”

Hearing this, An Qiaoran also remembered the reason why she disappeared in the first place, and then she was relieved and understood.

According to the reputation of Qiao's family in Country A, it is considered a big family, and the family rules here are very strict, so it's no wonder she said that she couldn't go to Yun Mo.

Thinking about it this way, being the daughter of a wealthy family is not completely carefree.

"But those are all in the past, hasn't he changed a lot now?" An Qiaoran said while holding her hand.

"Now he has no objection to you and Yun Mo, and marriage will happen sooner or later, so don't think too much about it."

After recovering her memory, Lan Yan became more preoccupied.

"Yes! He has changed a lot now, but I can no longer marry Yun Mo."

Seeing Lan Yan's serious injury, An Qiaoran was inexplicably blocked, and reached out to pat her on the shoulder, "There will be a way, I believe, and Yun Mo won't care."

"I know he doesn't care..."

As Lan Yan spoke, her voice suddenly became choked up, she lowered her head for a moment, then raised her head again, her eyes had returned to normal.

"Let's not talk about this, I'm here to discuss with you. During this month, I will accompany you and serve you well at all times. I can't make you lose weight. Otherwise, after you go back, my brother-in-law will not be able to blow my beard with us. staring?"

Lan Yan regained her normal mood and started joking with An Qiaoran.

Hearing this, An Qiaoran couldn't help feeling amused, "Don't worry, he won't do that in front of my face."

"Yes! I almost forgot, your family is up to you." Lan Yan teased and said again.

"Okay, it's late, go to bed!" An Qiaoran was a little embarrassed to hear it.

"Good Le!"


In Beicheng, Lu Yuchen didn't come back until the next day after he left that day. Nade was very worried, but he didn't dare to look for him.

It wasn't until Lu Yuchen walked into the living room that Nade hurried over, "Master, you..."

"Lead that psychiatrist to my study."

Nade hadn't finished speaking.Hearing Lu Yuchen's voice, he was stunned for a second, and looked at Lu Yuchen excitedly, "Master, have you figured it out?"

Lu Yuchen ignored him, but went straight upstairs and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

The psychiatrist Burt has already taken his place in Lu Yuchen's study, and the assistant beside him is preparing tools.

Suddenly, the door was opened, and Lu Yuchen, dressed in black home clothes and with wet hair, came in, sat down on the sofa, glanced at Bert casually, "Let's get started!"

Burt stood directly in front of him and spoke seriously.

"Before officially starting the treatment, I want to confirm again, are you ready?"

"You are so long-winded!"

Lu Yuchen glanced at him displeased, with obvious impatience in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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