Chapter 1033 Start the treatment

Burt didn't feel embarrassed by Lu Yuchen's impatience, but just spoke patiently.

"The hypnotic effect requires you to follow my command with all your attention. If you are even a little distracted, the consequences will be very serious. Therefore, you must confirm it again and again."

Lu Yuchen was already very impatient with what the psychiatrist said, but he didn't have another attack. He just replied irritably, "Got it."

Burt took a deep look at Lu Yuchen's emotions, and then nodded. The assistant brought a sheet, and he sat on it.

"Then let's get started!"

As Burt said, he took out a picture frame, which was a picture of the pigtail, and placed it in front of Lu Yuchen.

Lu Yuchen watched, the pupils of his eyes shrank, his thin lips were tightly pursed, staring at the painting, his eyes were extremely deep.

Burt took a panoramic view of the emotions in his eyes, still holding the painting, "I believe you must have been recalling things related to this painting, that is, memories you want to forget."

Lu Yuchen still stared at the painting without answering, but recounted all those memories over and over again in his mind.

one second...

two seconds...

Bert took the painting back, took another photo from the assistant, put it in front of Lu Yuchen, looked into Lu Yuchen's eyes, "Now, I want you to look at this photo."

This photo is the only photo of Lu Yuchen and An Qiaoran under the sweet-scented osmanthus tree. Looking at these words, various memories of Lu Yuchen and An Qiaoran burst into his mind.

After another two seconds, Burt took the photo down and took another photo from the assistant, which was a very ordinary landscape picture.

Lu Yuchen still watched without saying anything.


Accompanied by a childish voice, the door of the study was opened, and Xiao Jiayi ran over with a piece of cake.

Lu Yuchen was awakened by Jiayi, looked up at her, "Why are you here?"

"I'll take the cake for Dad!" Xiao Jiayi said, then ran to Lu Yuchen, handed the cake to Lu Yuchen, "Here."

Lu Yuchen looked at the cake she handed over, but didn't respond, he didn't reach out to take it, but he didn't refuse either.

Seeing this, Nade at the side quickly pulled Jiayi to the side, "Good girl Jiayi, your father is busy! Don't be disturbed, go and play!"

"Busy? But Dad is sitting, not doing anything!" Xiao Jiayi looked puzzled.

"Your father's job is like this. You are still young and don't understand. Be good, go out and play!"

Xiao Jiayi nodded in confusion, then ran out and closed the door.

"Mr. Burt, it's okay!" As soon as Jiayi left, Nade hurriedly came to ask Burt's situation, the treatment was interrupted, and he didn't know if there was any problem.

"It's okay, it doesn't matter now, but there can't be any negligence in the future." Burt said.

Nade nodded upon hearing this, and then went to lock the door to prevent anyone from breaking in.

"Okay, no one will come again, you continue!" Nade said.

Burt nodded and looked at Lu Yuchen, "Mr. Lu, please continue to look at this painting."

Lu Yuchen watched in response.

"Now I want you to remember this painting deeply in your heart, down to every detail, even how many mountains are there, how many trees are on the mountains, and what are on the trees. Please tell me when you remember it."

The study room was extremely quiet, Lu Yuchen concentrated on looking at the painting, and within a minute, he had already memorized all the big and small contents of the painting, "Okay."

Burt was a little surprised at such a fast speed, but it didn't affect the progress of the treatment in the slightest.

(End of this chapter)

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