Chapter 1034 Because of one of his lies
Burt accepted the painting, "Now, please close your eyes and repeat the contents of the painting just now in your mind. Remember, you must not miss every detail, and think about the painting wholeheartedly."

Counting the time, Burt took out a copper-colored pocket watch and put it in front of Lu Yuchen's eyes, "Now you open your eyes and your eyes follow the pocket watch, but your mind still has to think about the time just now. Sub-landscape painting."

Lu Yuchen opened his eyes and stared at the pocket watch. Bert looked at Lu Yuchen with all his attention, and then slowly began to shake the pocket watch. As time passed, the arc of the pocket watch became faster and faster. Lu Yuchen still did not stop looking, and kept staring at Looking at the pocket watch.

"Now tell me, who are you?" Bert asked, keeping his eyes on Lu Yuchen.

"I'm Lu Yuchen."

"Who is the person you love?"

"The person I love is An Qiaoran."

"Tell me again, who are you?" Burt's voice amplified a lot.

After asking many times like this, Lu Yuchen could answer clearly.

When Lu Yuchen stared at the pocket watch for 5 minutes, Lu Yuchen could still answer clearly.

"Landscape painting must be in my mind." Burt stared at Lu Yuchen and whispered.

Lu Yuchen's gaze never left his pocket watch for a moment.

Another five minutes later, Bert started asking questions.

"What's in the picture?"

"There are mountains and water, and there are trees and birds."

"who are you?"


The room was quiet, and Lu Yuchen couldn't answer.

"Who is your lover?"


There was still no answer, Nade looked at Lu Yuchen, but saw that his eyes were slowly closing, and finally, he leaned directly on the sofa without any response.

"Mr. Burt, has this been successful?" Nade looked at Lu Yuchen who had already been hypnotized and asked.


Burt made a silent gesture, put away the pocket watch, and said in a low voice, "Not yet, now I just hypnotize him, let him lose consciousness temporarily, let go of everything, the next step is very important and critical. "

Nade didn't speak, just looked at Lu Yuchen who was completely unconscious on the sofa, and could only wish from the bottom of his heart that the hypnosis would be successful.

Just as he was thinking, the mobile phone in his pocket vibrated. Nade took it out, glanced at the incoming call, his eyebrows were a little tangled, and he and Bert motioned for him to answer the phone, then opened the door and walked out.

"Why did you call?"

"Butler De, I just want to ask you, Lu Yuchen... will he really forget An Qiaoran?" The person on the other end of the phone was Mo Yixuan.

"Didn't I tell you? Maybe, maybe not for sure." Nade said, "The young master is currently receiving psychological treatment. Whether it succeeds or not depends on tomorrow."

"What? He made a decision so quickly?" Mo Yixuan was shocked and angry at the same time after hearing Nade's words.

Didn't Lu Yuchen suffer from a heart disease because he loves An Qiaoran very much?Now that he was seriously ill, An Qiaoran had only been away for three days, and it was only the fourth day that he chose to forget An Qiaoran so quickly?To survive?

"Mr. Mo, I told you, don't make any more noise about this matter." What kind of person is Lu Yuchen, if the news of his heart disease gets out, the impact will be unimaginable.

At that time, he had no choice but to get Mo Yixuan to make Lu Yuchen agree to receive psychological treatment, but because of one of his lies, Lu Yuchen believed it and agreed.

Thinking of himself cheating Lu Yuchen, he felt a little guilty.

(End of this chapter)

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