Chapter 1039 I hate you so much!

"I heard Steward De say that you've been working overtime until very late recently, and you haven't eaten or rested much. It's not good for your health."


Lu Yuchen still didn't respond at all, his face was serious except serious.

"You must have been sitting here for a long time. Sitting for a long time is not good for your health. I guess you must not have eaten. Come down with me to eat something!"


"Lu Yuchen? Lu Yuchen? Can you hear me?" An Qiaoran directly shook his hand in front of his eyes.

Lu Yuchen finally looked up at her impatiently, "Do you know that you are annoying?"

An Qiaoran's body froze.

"How can I work when you are so noisy?" Lu Yuchen's angry voice sounded, "Get out!"

An Qiaoran stood there, listening to Lu Yuchen angrily chased him out, his body seemed to have been poured with a bucket of cold water, from head to sole, his face became bloodless.

He actually... called her annoying?Still let her out?Is this Lu Yuchen?Is this really Lu Yuchen who has always cared about her and loved her?
"Lu Yuchen, what's wrong with you?" An Qiaoran didn't know how much courage she mustered before she looked into his cold eyes, which gradually became moist.

"How can you be so indifferent to me? How can you say these words to me?"

"I say you……"

Lu Yuchen was impatient with her verbiage, and just wanted to raise his head to say something about her, but when he looked into her moist eyes, his body froze.

She actually cried...

Looking at the tears falling from her eyes, he felt extremely uncomfortable. He reached out and turned off the computer, stood up, and looked at her tear-stained, extremely irritable.

"Okay, why cry!"

"You wouldn't have said these things to me before." An Qiaoran looked at him, eyes full of pain, tears still flowing.

She thought he would be very happy, but she didn't expect to be scolded by him as soon as she came back. Thinking about it, she felt very wronged.

"What else can you do but cry? You want to cry and cry." He looked at her tears and felt very irritable. He didn't want to see them, and he was upset.

Hearing this, An Qiaoran couldn't believe her ears, and looked at Lu Yuchen incredulously, "Are you driving me away?"

"I'm telling you to go out and cry." He didn't say to drive her away.

"It's all the same thing." An Qiaoran smiled wryly, "Okay, you don't want to see me, I'll go, let me go! Lu Yuchen, I hate you so much!"

After An Qiaoran finished speaking harshly, she turned around and left the study quickly without even closing the door.

"Young lady..."

Nade, who was carrying tea, was walking in the corridor, just in time to see An Qiaoran running away wiping his tears, without saying anything, as if he hadn't seen him.

Seeing An Qiaoran run into the bedroom, the door was closed loudly, it was enough to see how sad she was.

In this regard, Nade just sighed regretfully.

The young master's heart disease has been cured, but a quirk has formed, that is, no one can disturb him when he is working, otherwise, no matter who it is, the consequences will be very miserable.

Of course, apart from this, many things have changed.

It seems that the young lady is so sad because she was criticized by the young master.

That's right, before the young master treated the young lady with a loud voice, and even without a look of disgust. Now the young master has suddenly become like this, and the young lady has just returned. Naturally, I can't accept it. I must be sad for a while. .

Nade entered Lu Yuchen's study with tea, and looked at Lu Yuchen who was sitting behind the desk with an irritable expression, and couldn't help but feel a little helpless.

"Master, did you yell at the young lady?" Nade asked cautiously as he put the tea on the table.

(End of this chapter)

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