Chapter 1040 Workaholic Lu Yuchen
Hearing this, Lu Yuchen raised his eyes and looked at him, only irritability remained in his eyes, "No."

From his point of view, he didn't yell at her, it was she who interrupted his work, he said a few words to her, and then she didn't know what to do and cried to his distraught.

Looking at Lu Yuchen like this, Nade really didn't know what to say.

"Master, the young lady has been abroad for a month, and she came back today to give you a surprise, but your attitude towards her..."

Nade said nothing, so he didn't say anything, he knew the reason, and he also knew that the young master no longer cared as much about the young lady as before, but he felt that this could still be reconciled.

"Okay, you go out too, I don't want to be disturbed!" Lu Yuchen obviously didn't want to hear his ramblings, which made him even more upset. He picked up the tea and took a sip, but there was no smell at all.

"Young master, you should go and see the young lady! She is crying very sadly." Nade disregarded Lu Yuchen's annoyance and said persuasively.

After saying that, Lu Yuchen's eyes turned cold, and he glanced at him coldly, "She loves to cry as long as she likes, out of sight, out of mind."

After speaking, Lu Yuchen stood up, picked up his mobile phone and made a call.

"Notify me, I will work overtime tomorrow! Anyone who dares to be late will be fired immediately!"

It's too noisy at home, it's better to be quieter at work.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Yuchen picked up the suit on the chair and started to leave the study.

"Master, the young lady is still pregnant with a child, so you leave her alone at home like this?"

When Lu Yuchen was about to walk out of the study, Nade couldn't help but make a sound after all.

Lu Yuchen stopped, turned around and looked at him, "Don't you still take care of her? I'm very busy and can't accompany her. Let's talk about it after I've been busy for a while."

After Yun Danfeng finished speaking, he turned around again and left without hesitation. Nade stood there, only listening to the sound of footsteps, getting farther and farther away.

Nade came to the corridor and watched Lan Yan's figure leave the villa, feeling very helpless.

With the young master's current state, not only the young lady, but even he is heartbroken to see it.

In his eyes now, everything is work-based, and everything else is secondary, even unnecessary existence, even the young lady whom he once loved so much is no exception.


An Qiaoran crawled on the big bed and cried for a long time, and finally felt a little uncomfortable in her stomach. Then she remembered the baby in her stomach, stopped crying, and sat down on the bed.

Her mind was full of those heartless and cold words that Lu Yuchen said to her in the study just now.

He said she was annoying, and felt impatient when he saw her cry, and yelled at her...

Lu Yuchen has changed, she has only been away for a month, how could he change?He became cold, indifferent.

When he saw her cry before, he felt very distressed, but now, he was only impatient.

How did he become like this?Could it be that he has a woman outside and he is not interested in her?
Thinking of this, An Qiaoran suddenly felt scared for a while, and his face turned pale.

If Lu Yuchen doesn't want her anymore, what will she do?
Suddenly, bursts of pain came from her stomach, interrupting her thoughts.

She clutched her stomach and squatted on the ground in pain, leaning her back against the bed, her whole face wrinkled in pain.

Nade opened the door and saw An Qiaoran like this, and ran over nervously, "Young Madam!"

Nade helped An Qiaoran up, sat down on the sofa, and began to feel her pulse.

"Maybe I just crawled on the bed and moved my tires, and I'll be fine after a while." An Qiaoran said weakly with cold sweat on his forehead.

(End of this chapter)

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