Chapter 1047 Two slaps

Lu Yuchen's face darkened, watching the woman's eyes gradually turn cold, he gritted his teeth and warned coldly, "If you don't go down, I promise you will regret it."

He really wanted to throw this woman out, but she smelled so bad that he didn't want to touch her at all, so as not to dirty his hands.

The woman wholeheartedly believed that this was Lu Yuchen's refusal to welcome, but she didn't take his words seriously, instead she was indifferent.

"Your wife won't come anyway, what are you afraid of?" The woman raised her head and was about to kiss Lu Yuchen.

"Damn it!" Lu Yuchen cursed, and when his red lips were about to touch him, he reached out and grabbed the woman's shoulder, ready to throw her down.

Suddenly, there was a "click", and the door of the office was opened.

"Lu Yuchen, look what I brought you..."

An Qiaoran's voice stopped abruptly. Looking at the two people behind the desk, his body froze in vain.

Since Lu Yuchen grabbed the woman's shoulder, and the woman was hooking his neck, the current posture of the two of them looks like you love me, and the distance between the two faces is very close, it looks like Lu Yuchen He wanted to kiss the woman but was interrupted by An Qiaoran.

Lu Yuchen looked at An Qiaoran who suddenly appeared, paused, looked at An Qiaoran, and asked in surprise, "Why are you here?"

An Qiaoran looked at the two people who were still hugging her, and she didn't know what to feel in her heart, it was sour, stuffy, and a little painful, and the tip of her nose was involuntarily sore.

Even so, she still didn't cry, she pretended to be calm and walked over, looked at Lu Yuchen, and said with a smile, "What? Didn't I come at the right time?"

If she was one step late, the two of them would have kissed!
An Qiaoran was standing in front of the desk with a lunch box in his hand, with a faint smile on his face, looking at the two people in front of him.

"What are you talking about? I have nothing with her." As Lu Yuchen said, he stood up in disgust and pushed the woman hard.

With great strength, the woman successfully fell to the ground, and every part of her body hurt from the fall. She immediately looked at Lu Yuchen with aggrieved eyes, and said in a delicate tone, "Boss Lu~You hurt me~"

The voice sounded almost fatal. An Qiaoran looked at the woman, and then at Lu Yuchen.

With a cold face, he growled at the woman on the ground, "Get out!"

"President Lu, you..."

"I told you to get lost." Lu Yuchen emphasized again, his tone was very low, and the eyes he looked at her became extremely terrifying, as if she would swallow her alive if she didn't leave.

The woman was frightened by his eyes, stood up enduring the pain all over her body, picked up the documents on the table, and looked at Lu Yuchen reluctantly, "Mr. Lu, if you need anything next time, please come to me anytime. "

After finishing speaking, the woman turned around and was about to leave, but after hearing what she said, An Qiaoran felt angry from nowhere, stopped Fang Fang, raised her hand and hit her. Slap, without hesitation, fast and ruthless.

With a "snap", Fang Fang staggered two steps from the beating and almost fell, but fortunately she held onto the table.

She covered half of her face, opened her eyes wide, and looked at the woman An Qiaoran in disbelief, "How dare you hit me?"

"Why didn't I dare to hit you?" An Qiaoran said harshly, then raised her hand and slapped her again, this time harder and harder than before.

Both sides of Fangfang's face were red from the beating, and gradually swelled up, causing burning pain.

After all, Fangfang is a rich lady, who has never suffered this kind of crime, endured the pain, stared at An Qiaoran and gritted her teeth, "You bitch!"

After yelling, she raised one hand as if to slap An Qiaoran in the face...

(End of this chapter)

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