Chapter 1048 The Powerful An Qiaoran
After yelling, she raised one hand as if to slap An Qiaoran in the face...

At the very moment, An Qiaoran cut her hand in mid-air and looked at her ridiculously.

"How dare you fight back, you seduce my husband, and still act so righteous in front of me? Slapping you twice is considered cheap!"

As An Qiaoran said, he threw the woman hard, and Fang Fang lost his balance again and fell to the ground.

This time, his forehead hit the corner of the desk, his skin was torn, and he bled.

Now it's all right, the cheeks and forehead are red and swollen, which is a good match.

Lu Yuchen stood behind the computer, looked at the two people in front of him coldly, said nothing, as if he was watching a play.

Fang Fang covered her knocked head, and when she saw the blood on her hand, she was startled and panicked, "Blood, it's bleeding..."

The woman was obviously frightened by the blood, she stood up unsteadily, looked at An Qiaoran, "You shrew! How dare you hit me, no wonder President Lu doesn't want you, you deserve it!"

Hearing Fang Fang's words, An Qiaoran's body became stiff again, and she subconsciously looked at Lu Yuchen, but saw him sitting and reading documents, as if he hadn't heard anything.

Lu Yuchen doesn't want her?Could it be that for more than a month, he was too busy to go home every day because he was with this woman...

no, I can not……

As soon as the idea came to her mind, An Qiaoran shook her head quickly, Lu Yuchen would never do that, this woman is talking nonsense, I can't believe it.

An Qiaoran stabilized his emotions, looked at the woman in front of him, and warned coldly, "If you don't want to be beaten again, get the hell out of here! If I see you coming here to seduce my husband again, I will kill you Ugly!"

An Qiaoran's voice was very imposing, Fang Fang was quite frightened, she glanced at Lu Yuchen secretly, and then took the document and prepared to leave.

"Wait!" After walking two steps, An Qiaoran stopped him.

"What else do you need?" Fang Fang looked at her with dissatisfaction in her eyes.

An Qiaoran walked over, looked at the document in her hand, reached out and grabbed it, opened it and looked, it was a cooperation between Fang Group and IE, and the last page had Lu Yuchen's signature and seal.

"Are you from the Fang Group?" An Qiaoran looked at her and asked.

When Fang Fang heard this, she thought she was afraid, and instantly became full of aura, "I am the daughter of the president of the Fang Group, Fang Fang."

"Daughter? Ha!" An Qiaoran sneered, "After today, I will turn you into mud in the dung!"

"What do you mean?" Fang Fang was frightened again, "How dare you!"

"What dare I not?" An Qiaoran said, holding the document in front of her, and then made a 'hiss' sound, and the document became waste paper in her hands.

Lu Yuchen watched her tear up the document, frowning, "An Qiaoran..."

Before Lu Yuchen could say anything, An Qiaoran suddenly threw a pile of debris on Fang Fang's body, then fell to the ground, glared at her, and said angrily, "Now! Now, get out!"


Fang Fang looked at the documents that had become waste paper, and stared at An Qiaoran for a long time, unable to say a word, and could only look at Lu Yuchen.

"Mr. Lu, look at your good wife, she tore up the contract, what should I do?"

Now that she is still acting like a baby, An Qiaoran really wants to slap her again, but for the sake of the baby in her belly, she endured it, and she shouldn't get angry now.

Similarly, she also wanted to see Lu Yuchen's expression.

(End of this chapter)

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