Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 1049 The Beginning of Contradiction

Chapter 1049 The Beginning of Contradiction

Lu Yuchen stood up, looked at the waste paper all over the floor, frowned tightly, and glanced at An Qiaoran, not knowing what kind of eyes it was.

Then, he looked at Fang Fang and said coldly, "The cooperation is cancelled."

"Boss Lu, are you pampering her like this?" Fang Fang was furious, but she couldn't do anything about it.

An Qiaoran tore up the contract, and he let her tear it up. She obviously signed it. A good cooperation just went to waste. After returning home, her father would definitely scold her to death.

"She is my wife!" Lu Yuchen gritted his teeth and emphasized, "Okay, get out!"


Fang Fang wanted to say something more, but when she saw that Lu Yuchen and An Qiaoran were in a bad mood, and didn't want to get into trouble again, she turned around and left without saying anything.

Fang Fang left, and the office was extremely quiet.

An Qiaoran looked at Lu Yuchen for a moment, and was about to ask about what happened just now, but Lu Yuchen's reproach-like voice sounded first.

"I said that you don't consider the consequences too much when you do things. It's a matter of my business. If you say you want to tear up the contract, you will tear it up?"

Lu Yuchen looked at her with a face full of reproach, and after finishing speaking, sat down very depressed.

Hearing Lu Yuchen's reprimand, An Qiaoran was stunned.

She originally thought that he was going to explain to her what happened between him and that woman just now, but unexpectedly, he blamed her for tearing up the contract when he opened his mouth, which made her a little unacceptable.

"I think this kind of woman who comes to seduce you, the company she works for is not a good company, so it's fine if you don't cooperate!"

An Qiaoran stood there, speaking with a straight face.

"Even if you want to tear it up, you should tell me, what is it for you to make up your own mind?" Lu Yuchen's tone was still full of accusations.

An Qiaoran was said to be emotional, and looked up into his eyes, "Lu Yuchen, I think what we should discuss now is not this issue, but the matter between you and that woman just now, I think you need to discuss with me. explain."

"What's there to explain? She pounced on herself." Lu Yuchen had a casual expression, very relaxed.

He didn't even care about this matter at all?This made An Qiaoran look a little angry.

"That's all?" An Qiaoran looked at him, "Is this your explanation?"

"I don't think I need to explain at all." Lu Yuchen said, "That's the way it is."

Lu Yuchen said it so simply, it's not like before.

In the past, she was just a jealous look, and he wanted to kill that woman.

Now, not only did he not have the patience to explain, but he didn't want to explain at all, instead he blamed her for tearing up the contract.

How did he become so strange.

"But if things are really that simple, then why did that woman say that you contact her when you need it? What do you need that she can give?"

It was because of this sentence that she couldn't help hitting the woman, because the woman's words were very strange, as if she was hiding too much information.

"That's what she said." Lu Yuchen said.

It seems to be saying, the mouth grows on her body, she can say whatever she likes.

"And what she said, no wonder you don't want me, please explain to me clearly, what does this mean?" An Qiaoran still asked unwillingly, she had to figure out the whole thing.

"That's what she said." Lu Yuchen still said, his tone neither salty nor weak.

again this sentence...

An Qiaoran was tired of hearing it.

"Lu Yuchen! Can't you tell me the whole thing? Don't you have a ghost in your heart and dare not say it?"

(End of this chapter)

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