Chapter 1050 Make things clear

An Qiaoran looked at him, "I just want the truth, is it that difficult?"

He didn't even bother to explain, did he just not care what she thought?
"The truth is, she brought the documents, jumped on me, and then you came in, that's all."

Lu Yuchen spoke calmly, then picked up the document and looked at it casually, without any intention of continuing to explain.

Seeing such indifferent Lu Yuchen, An Qiaoran's heart gradually sank.

Obviously he didn't understand, obviously what she saw was different from what he said, obviously she just asked, why didn't he explain it to her in more detail?

Why didn't he understand at all, she was just jealous and angry!How did he become like this?
An Qiaoran stared at him for a long time, put away the moisture in his eyes, walked to the coffee table, and opened the lunch box on it.

"This is the food I cooked for you, you can eat some while it's hot!" An Qiaoran opened the lunch box, put the food inside on the table one by one, and said.

"Let it go!"

Lu Yuchen looked at the document without turning his head, and his tone was as calm as the surface of a calm sea, without any emotion.

An Qiaoran paused for a moment while taking the vegetables, but she didn't say anything, she just straightened up and looked at Lu Yuchen, "I have nothing to do at home, so I'll come and accompany you!"

It's better to say it's to accompany him than to keep him safe. With that woman's appearance and what she said, plus Lu Yuchen's indifferent attitude towards her, she really had to doubt it.

Whether it's pregnancy syndrome or whatever, she doesn't care.

After hearing her words, Lu Yuchen obviously reacted, put down the document and looked up at her, and said with a serious face, "I'm working."

"I know!" An Qiaoran said, "I'll just sit here and swipe my phone without talking. I won't bother you while you work."

"But you are sitting here, how can I work with peace of mind?" Lu Yuchen's words were a little dissatisfied.

Hearing Lu Yuchen's refusal, An Qiaoran smiled, "It was possible before, why can't it be done now?"

Lu Yuchen didn't respond, but just looked at her stubbornly, not wanting her to stay here.

"Lu Yuchen, have you forgotten? I didn't want to come before, but you just asked me to accompany you to and from get off work. Now it's good, I take the initiative to accompany you, but you don't want to."

How important he was to her before, but now, his attitude is so cold that she has an illusion that he doesn't love her anymore.

"That was in the past." Lu Yuchen frowned, "It's different now, I don't want anyone standing here to block my eyes when I'm working, so you'd better go home and stay!"

The word "obstructing the eyes" sounded extremely harsh to An Qiaoran's ears, and his heart was also stung.

The last time he said she was annoying in the study, and now he said that she was an eyesore here, he really could say anything.

"Hehe, hehe!"

An Qiaoran smiled sarcastically, very ironically.

Seeing her smile, Lu Yuchen didn't show any expression, just looked at her with the same indifferent face.

"Lu Yuchen, I don't need to remind you again since you haven't been home for a long time?" An Qiaoran looked at Lu Yuchen with a sneer, her tone calm.

Lu Yuchen looked at her.

"You stay in the company every day and don't come home at night. Are you working or doing other things?"

"What do you mean?" Lu Yuchen finally spoke out, his tone slow and indifferent.

Seeing the faint reaction on his face, An Qiaoran continued to smile wryly.

(End of this chapter)

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