Chapter 1056 Take His Money Out
An Qiaoran didn't say anything, but hung up the phone in disappointment.

He didn't look for her, so he could be worried about her. Her departure had no effect on him. He was still in the regional company and working overtime as always, and he never thought about taking her back.

Whether he was mad at her for making trouble out of no reason, or he was disappointed in her, or he didn't care at all.

"Didn't Lu Yuchen look for you?" Zhao Qiaoqiao, who was holding a glass of boiling water, came over, looked at the melancholy expression on her face, and asked.

An Qiaoran shook her head and looked up at her, "Qiaoqiao, do you think Lu Yuchen will be like those men, who has someone outside and changed his mind about me? Don't care if he doesn't love me?"

An Qiaoran grabbed her hand with a nervous and frightened tone.

Seeing her like this, Zhao Qiaoqiao couldn't help holding her hand, "Ran Ran, we all have seen how Lu Yuchen compares, how could he betray you?"

"But... I've been away from home for a week, and he hasn't come to see me. If it was the past, he would come here and ask me to go back in less than an hour. Now, he doesn't even bother to call. "

"Ran Ran, don't think so much. Maybe he is too busy to come to you. He must know that you are with me and that you are not in danger. That's why he is working without distraction."

"That's not the case." An Qiaoran shook her head and looked at Zhao Qiaoqiao nervously, "I always feel that he has ignored me and doesn't care about me anymore. If I'm hospitalized now, she won't necessarily come to see me."

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Zhao Qiaoqiao knocked her on the head, "Ran Ran, you can live here with peace of mind, I don't believe it, after a long time he will forget you as a warm bed."

"Do not……"

An Qiaoran shook his head, "I will leave here after tonight. You are right. He must know that I am at your house, so he has no sense of urgency. Since he is so indifferent, I will go find him I can't see if he can sit still."

Zhao Qiaoqiao was taken aback by An Qiaoran's resolute appearance, "Ran Ran, are you serious?"

"I'm serious."

An Qiaoran said, "I must find out whether he still cares about me!"

After speaking, An Qiaoran lay down on the bed and closed her eyes.

Seeing her like this, Zhao Qiaoqiao felt very helpless. She wanted to comfort her, but she didn't know what to say.

Early the next morning, An Qiaoran left Zhao Qiaoqiao's house, went to the park alone, and then went to the restaurant for dinner.

In order to get angry with Lu Yuchen, she even went to the shopping mall for a ramble, bought all the things she liked, and asked the salesman to send them to the villa, and swiped all the cards he had given her before.

In the past, she was reluctant to use it, but now that he hasn't called to check on her for so many days after she ran out, she can only vent her anger with his money, which is wireless credit anyway.

She buys whatever she likes, and she spends more than half of the entire large shopping mall. All the young couples who are shopping in the shopping mall are dumbfounded at what she buys.

Seeing that she is not a rich lady, how can she spend so much money on shopping!
An Qiaoran was shopping here, but Lu Yuchen, who was looking at the computer in the office, was annoyed by the constant vibrations from his mobile phone. When he picked it up to look at it, he realized that it was An Qiaoran's consumption in the mall.

There are more than ten pieces of consumption information, and she has visited more than ten different shopping malls, and the consumption of each store is more than six figures.

Looking at these text messages, he didn't show any expression, but he had already found out where she was now.

(End of this chapter)

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