Chapter 1057
She spent a lot in various shopping malls, didn't she just want him to know her location?She really thought that if he didn't look for her, he wouldn't know her location.

Just as he was thinking, there were two knocks on the office door, and Ah Heng walked in.

"Boss Lu, you are looking for me."

"The notice goes on, the overtime work tomorrow and the day after tomorrow will be cancelled." Lu Yuchen closed the document and said.

Hearing this, Ah Heng was a little shocked, but still nodded in time, "I know Mr. Lu, I'll go right away."

Ah Heng turned around and was about to leave when he heard the vibrating sound of Lu Yuchen's cell phone again. He was stunned for a moment, thinking of the call An Qiaoran made last night, after thinking about it, he turned around and looked at Lu Yuchen and spoke.

"Mr. Lu, my wife has been away from home for a week. Should you go and bring her back?"

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen raised his eyes and looked at him leisurely, not knowing whether it was joy or anger.

Although Ah Heng was caught by his gaze, he still said, "I was thinking, my wife is pregnant, it's always unsafe to be outside alone, President Lu should make a decision earlier."

"I don't need you to remind me, let's go down!" Lu Yuchen said coldly, he already had a plan in mind.

Ah Heng kindly reminded, but Lu Yuchen had such a cold attitude, he was also helpless, turned around and left without saying anything.

A Heng left, Lu Yuchen looked at the message on the phone for a moment, then stood up, picked up the black suit on the chair, and strode out of the office.

After shopping in the shopping mall, An Qiaoran was very disappointed to see that Lu Yuchen hadn't called yet, and ran to the bridge, standing on the bridge and looking at the flowing lake below, his eyes blurred.

She has swiped so much, there must be more than 20 messages on his mobile phone, logically speaking, shouldn't he call to question her about spending money indiscriminately?
But he didn't, as if he didn't see it, he didn't know if he didn't see it, or he didn't care at all.

But if he doesn't care about her anymore, wouldn't it be uncomfortable to see her swiping his card?Why is there no reaction at all.

The sky gradually became cloudy, and the originally clear sky became dark in an instant.

An Qiaoran couldn't help but look up and look at the sky.

Is it going to rain?
Just as she was thinking, a drop of rain fell on her face, icy cold, drop after drop...

It kept falling, and the rain was getting heavier, but even so, An Qiaoran still didn't leave.

She stretched out her hand, letting the rain fall on her fingertips, and the image of Lu Yuchen's heartache flashed through her mind.

It's raining... the heartache is unbearable...

An Qiaoran suddenly remembered something, braved the heavy rain and ran down the bridge, running towards the road with all his might.


Under the thunder, Mo Yixuan's voice sounded, but An Qiaoran ignored it and continued running.

She left the car at Zhao Qiaoqiao's house, and when she came out alone, Lu Yuchen had a heart attack, so she had to go to IE immediately.

She kept running in the heavy rain, wishing she could grow her wings and fly there, but there was no car here, so she couldn't get a taxi, and the road was still far away, so she didn't know how long she would have to run.

Behind her, Mo Yixuan had been chasing her, his leather shoes were soaked in water, his trousers were soaked, and the rain slapped his body, he didn't care, he just chased An Qiaoran.

What does she want to do to run so fast while pregnant with the child?
Mo Yixuan was extremely worried, seeing that figure in the distance walking all over the place, he even quickened his pace.

Finally, at the moment when An Qiaoran fainted, he hugged her in time. Seeing that she was soaked and unresponsive, he frowned, without any thought, he picked her up and ran towards the road go.

(End of this chapter)

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