Chapter 1059 Mo Yixuan's thoughts

"This is the clothes I sent someone. You go to take a bath first, and then change. If you wear this wet clothes, you will catch a cold."

Seeing the clothes Mo Yixuan handed over, An Qiaoran hesitated for a moment, but still took it, got up and got out of bed.

As soon as his feet hit the ground, An Qiaoran thought of something, looked at Mo Yixuan, "Where's my bag?"

"On the sofa, I'll bring it to you." Mo Yixuan handed the bag to An Qiaoran, An Qiaoran got the bag and found out her mobile phone, just unlocked it, when Mo Yixuan's voice rang .

"Ran Ran, while you were in a coma, Lu Yuchen called, and I answered."

Hearing this, An Qiaoran looked at him in shock, "Lu Yuchen called me?"

"Yes." Mo Yixuan nodded.

An Qiaoran didn't speak anymore, feeling a little excited, looking at the phone call records, there was indeed a 3-minute call with Lu Yuchen.

3 minutes……

"What did you talk to him about?" We talked for 3 minutes?Is there so much to say?

"I didn't talk about anything, I just told him that you are with me." Mo Yixuan said with a natural expression, without any intention of lying.

"What did he say?" An Qiaoran asked.

She thought he wouldn't care about her, but she didn't expect him to call. She was shocked and excited at the same time.

But Mo Yixuan actually said that he was with her, Lu Yuchen must have misunderstood.

"He just said...let me take good care of you..."

"You're talking nonsense!" Before Mo Yixuan finished speaking, An Qiaoran spoke out excitedly.

"Mo Yixuan, you are talking nonsense!"

Seeing that An Qiaoran was so excited, Mo Yixuan was a little stunned, "Ran Ran, what I said was true, when he heard that it was me who answered the phone, he was shocked. I told him you were with me, but he fell silent. After a long time, he finally left a sentence asking me to take good care of you, and then he hung up the phone, Ran Ran, I really didn't lie to you, he gave you to me."

"Give it to you?"

An Qiaoran smiled sarcastically when he heard this, "Does he think I'm just a gift to be passed around casually? Mo Yixuan, why do you use my phone?"

Everything was caused by him answering the phone. Lu Yuchen had no interest in her at all, and when he heard that she was with him, wouldn't he be so angry that he ignored her?

"Ran Ran, I just want to say a few words about him for you." Mo Yixuan said, "You have been out for so many days, but he hasn't looked for you for a day. He despises you. I don't want the woman I let go so cruelly to be let down by him again." I couldn't get angry at being abandoned, so I got angry with him."

"Ran Ran, think about why he ignored you for so many days when you came out, but he called after I rescued you. Is there such a coincidence?"

"what do you want to say?"

An Qiaoran looked at him quietly, what did he mean by saying this?
"I just think that he is deliberately picking on your contradictions." Mo Yixuan looked at her firmly.

"Ran Ran, believe it or not, when you go back this time, he will definitely talk about the matter between me and you, and then we will have a big fight, make you collapse, and then file for divorce."

Mo Yixuan's words felt particularly uncomfortable to An Qiaoran's ears.

"You mean, he did all this to force me to divorce him?"

"Yes, he is Lu Yuchen. Everyone knows that he loves his wife, so he can't propose a divorce, and he can't be a heartless person. Therefore, this blame can only be carried by you, and the divorce can only be brought up by you."

Mo Yixuan spoke seriously, but An Qiaoran found it extremely ironic.

Does Lu Yuchen want to divorce her?is it possible?Impossible?If it were Lu Yuchen before, she would have believed it very much, but for Lu Yuchen now, she is really not sure.

(End of this chapter)

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