Chapter 1060 Is Lu Yuchen jealous?

Seeing her silence, Mo Yixuan continued.

"Ran Ran, think about it, is his attitude towards you not as good as before? Do you suspect in your heart that he has another woman?"

"So what?" She wanted to see what tricks he could come up with.

"So what? Ran Ran, you still trust him too much." Mo Yixuan was laughing at her naivety.

"It's because he has another woman that he wants to divorce you! If he can't ask for a divorce, then he will force you to leave, Ran Ran, don't you understand?"

Mo Yixuan said earnestly, An Qiaoran lowered his head in silence for a long time, then suddenly smiled.

Looking up at him, "Mo Yixuan, although what you said is reasonable, I don't care. I don't believe that Lu Yuchen would treat me like this."

She had only been away for a month, so it was impossible for Lu Yuchen to change his mind so much, and she didn't really suspect that he had other women, she just didn't understand why he was so indifferent to her.

To Lu Yuchen, she was as important as life, no matter how he changed, she would never become like this.

"Ran Ran, you can't trust him like this anymore, do you want him to admit you to believe what I said?"

Seeing that she believed in Lu Yuchen so much, Mo Yixuan couldn't help saying.

"You're wrong. Even if he told me personally, I wouldn't believe it." An Qiaoran said.


An Qiaoran's attitude made Mo Yixuan feel stunned. She never expected that she would trust Lu Yuchen so much.

"I always feel that there is something hidden in it, and I will definitely figure it out."

After An Qiaoran finished speaking, he took the paper bag and went into the bathroom to change.

Mo Yixuan was also shocked to see that she believed so deeply in Lu Yuchen.

He didn't know whether it was right or wrong for him to do so, but at least, he wouldn't harm An Qiaoran.

No one knows what Lu Yuchen has become now, except that he has changed his mind about An Qiaoran, but he doesn't know if he doesn't love her anymore, or ignores her.

But no matter what, he had to keep An Qiaoran from any harm.

After An Qiaoran changed her clothes, she was about to leave, but it was useless for Mo Yixuan to stop her.

After An Qiaoran left the hotel, she called Lu Yuchen. She didn't believe a word Mo Yixuan said, she only believed him.

The call was made, but Lu Yuchen didn't answer it.

An Qiaoran turned to call Ah Heng, "A Heng, is Lu Yuchen at the company?"

"Mr. Lu left the company a few hours ago. What's the matter, madam? Didn't Mr. Lu go to find you?"

Hearing what A Heng said, An Qiaoran froze in place. If Lu Yuchen left the company to find her, he would definitely call her. So when he made that call, he was looking for her?
He finally found her!

An Qiaoran was excited for a while, and suddenly remembered the phone call that Lu Yuchen didn't answer just now.

Now that he knew he was looking for her, why didn't he answer her phone again?Could it be... Mo Yixuan said she was with him, and he was jealous?

There is this possibility.

Lu Yuchen would be jealous of her, which means he still cares about her.

An Qiaoran hung up on Ah Heng, and then called the villa. Nade told her that Lu Yuchen was in the study now, and An Qiaoran hurried home by taxi.

An Qiaoran has been in a coma for a long time, it is already evening, the rain has already stopped, and there are still traces of rain on the lawn in the yard.

An Qiaoran entered the living room, went straight upstairs, came to the door of the study on the third floor, and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

Lu Yuchen's dull voice came.

An Qiaoran opened the door and walked in, pretending to calmly walk to the desk, looking at Lu Yuchen who was looking down at his phone.

"I'm back." An Qiaoran did a lot of mental work before he could not call his name.

(End of this chapter)

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