Chapter 1062 Lu Yuchen's Warning
An Qiaoran's voice was choked and hoarse, and Lu Yuchen looked at her red eye sockets, which were filled with tears, as if the tears would fall when the eyelashes trembled.

For some reason, looking into her eyes, the anger in his heart suddenly decreased a lot, and his chest suddenly became uncomfortable.

He quickly looked away, feeling much better in his heart.

Seeing her wanting to cry but not crying, he felt very sad, her eyes are poisonous!

Lu Yuchen secretly took a lot of breaths, the pain in his heart eased a lot, and then he spoke again in a low voice.

"Even if things are true as you said, it's not the same thing in the eyes of caring people."

"What other people think has nothing to do with me." An Qiaoran said, "Lu Yuchen, I only care about your opinion, and I don't allow you to doubt me for no reason."

He was the one she loved, and she couldn't accept his doubts and unbelief.

"Do you believe it, as long as tonight is over, the headlines will all be photos of you and Mo Yixuan entering the hotel, and the headlines will definitely bear the name of your Mrs. Lu."

Lu Yuchen raised his eyes and looked at her, "Mrs. Lu, you will be on fire tomorrow."

Lu Yuchen looked at her with deep eyes, he didn't seem to listen to An Qiaoran's words at all, he was just talking about the seriousness of her and Mo Yixuan's entering the hotel.

"Since you have already guessed it, can't you stop it?" An Qiaoran asked coldly, "Lu Yuchen, I believe in your ability, you can definitely stop things from spreading."

"Oh! I just want to warn you. As Mrs. Lu, there are many eyes that usually pay attention to you. Don't let people catch you. Otherwise, let alone you, even I will be dragged into the water by you. Public opinion The pressure is great."

Lu Yuchen looked at her with a low tone and no emotion. An Qiaoran listened and felt that the temperature of the surrounding air had dropped to zero, and her whole body was chilling.

"Since you've said that, what else can I say? Don't worry, I won't let you down again!"

An Qiaoran finished speaking harshly, then turned around, left the study quickly, and closed the door heavily.

The door was closed, Lu Yuchen looked at the photo on the phone, it was the photo of Mo Yixuan entering the hotel with An Qiaoran in his arms.

He stared at the picture, staring hard.Suddenly, his hand tightly clenched the phone, and his eyes shot out with a thousand zhangs of light.

An Qiaoran left the study and saw Nade by the railing in the corridor. He was standing there with his hands on the railing, looking downstairs, his eyes were empty, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Young lady."

Seeing An Qiaoran approaching, Nade hurriedly greeted her.

An Qiaoran just nodded, glanced at him with a blank face, and left without saying anything.

"Young lady!"

When An Qiaoran opened the bedroom door, Nade's voice sounded.

An Qiaoran froze, turned around and looked at him, "Housekeeper De, what do you want?"

Nade couldn't bear to look at An Qiaoran with such a gloomy face. After struggling for a moment, he spoke.

"Young madam, you and the young master..."

"Don't mention him to me anymore, I don't want to hear it." After finishing speaking flatly, An Qiaoran pushed open the door, ready to go in.

"Young lady..."

Nade wanted to say something more, but An Qiaoran had already entered the bedroom and closed the door.

Watching the door close, Nade felt more and more guilty.

He knew that Lu Yuchen had neglected An Qiaoran, but he couldn't tell the reason, because he was selfish, and he was afraid that An Qiaoran would try to wake up Lu Yuchen after he knew the truth, which would cause his heart disease to relapse again.

Burt had told him about this matter, and he didn't dare to bet on it.

(End of this chapter)

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