Chapter 1063 The Vulnerable Love

No one had dinner, An Qiaoran stayed in the bedroom after returning from Lu Yuchen's study, not listening to anyone knocking on the door, not even Jiayi.

She locked herself in the bedroom, sitting alone on the big bed, with legs bent, holding herself in both hands, staring blankly at the rose diamond ring on her hand, without saying a word.

"Do you know why I didn't give you a ring when I gave you the marriage certificate?"


"Because you don't love me, but it's different now, An Qiaoran, you've already fallen in love with me, you don't know how long I've been waiting for this day."

" long?"

"Ten years!"


Memories of Ding Love Island gradually flooded into her mind. She remembered that Lu Yuchen personally put this ring on her and said that he had been waiting for her for more than ten years.

After waiting for more than ten years, loving for more than ten years, waiting for a heart disease, love for a heart disease, obviously such an unforgettable love, it can't stand the torture of a month, and it is broken so easily.

The love of more than ten years has now turned into indifference and alienation, and it is so vulnerable.

Ridiculous!She was so cruel to her, but she didn't know why, she was left out in the cold for no apparent reason.

Lu Yuchen, why did he change, why!

As Lu Yuchen said, the photo of Mo Yixuan carrying her into the hotel was posted on the Internet, causing a lot of discussion.

They all said that she had no sense of shame and betrayed Lu Yuchen.

Few people believed that there was a misunderstanding about this matter, and under the comments of the news, she had been sprayed for nothing.

She was sitting on the bed, still in the same position as last night, flipping through the comments, expressionless, neither angry nor angry.

Suddenly remembered what Lu Yuchen said last night, today's headlines will be occupied by her and Mo Yixuan, but he clearly knew that such a thing would happen, but he didn't stop it. Could it be that he was going to borrow money from what Mo Yixuan said? Do you want to divorce her?
Would Lu Yuchen really do that, divorce her?After all, there are many people who support Lu Yuchen's divorce under the comments.

After this photo, her personality has been broken, and in the eyes of everyone, she has become a shameless slut.

If Lu Yuchen announced the divorce at this time, there would be no problem with his personality, but what about her?Now, even if you jump into the Yellow River, you won't be able to cleanse yourself.

Lu Yuchen stayed in the study all night and didn't go back to the bedroom. This is a normal thing. An Qiaoran has gotten used to it in the past two weeks.

She turned off the phone, ignored the news on it, felt a little dizzy, went to wash her face, and felt much better.

When I came out, I saw my grandma and Nade had already walked to the sofa, and Nade was holding the key in his hand, which was a spare key.

Grandma held some breakfast in her hand, watched her come out, and said kindly, "Ran Ran, this is the breakfast that Yuchen asked me to bring to you, you should hurry up and eat it!"

Did Lu Yuchen ask grandma to bring it up?An Qiaoran would not believe such an obvious lie.

An Qiaoran walked over, took it, put it on the table, and didn't intend to eat it, "Grandma, I'm not hungry, I will eat it myself when I am hungry later."

She didn't want to worry grandma, that's all she could say.

"But Ran Ran, you didn't eat yesterday, how can you bear this? You still have two in your belly!" Grandma said worriedly, looking at her protruding belly.

"It's okay, since I'm not hungry, they will be fine." An Qiaoran said.

"You're just in a bad mood and don't want to eat, but that doesn't mean you're not hungry. No matter what, you should eat something..."

Before grandma finished speaking, An Qiaoran suddenly passed out on the sofa, and grandma was shocked, "Ran Ran!"

(End of this chapter)

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