Chapter 1064 Is he taking care of her?
When Lu Yuchen learned that An Qiaoran had fainted, he ran up immediately, and Nade was infusing An Qiaoran.

He stood by the bed, looked at An Qiaoran who was still unconscious, and said in a stiff tone, "What's wrong with her?"

Nade tidied up everything, heard the words, was stunned for a moment, and then replied, "There is a sign of fever. After the young lady is pregnant, her immunity is very low, and it is easy to catch a cold."


Lu Yuchen looked at An Qiaoran without saying a word, with a complicated expression on his face.

"But I'm giving her an infusion, and the fever will subside after this bottle is infused, so there's nothing serious about it."

Nade tidied up the medicine box, looked at Lu Yuchen, and was about to say something more when he heard Lu Yuchen's voice, "Go out."


"You go out too."

Grandma wanted to ask what happened to him and An Qiaoran, but she was interrupted by Lu Yuchen.

Seeing Lu Yuchen's attitude, Nade didn't intend to say anything, he gave grandma a look, and went out with the medicine box.

"Let's leave it there for breakfast! Ran Ran doesn't want to eat it, so when she wakes up, you can persuade her to eat something."

Grandma gave Lu Yuchen some advice, and then left, leaving only Lu Yuchen and the unconscious An Qiaoran in the room.

Lu Yuchen stared at An Qiaoran's thin face for a while, then sat down by the bed, and stretched out his hand to test her forehead.

very hot.

Very hot.

He got up and went to the bathroom to get a towel, folded it and put it on her forehead. After doing all this, he took her hand, wrapped his big palm around his, and looked at her with deep eyes.

An Qiaoran was in a coma for two full hours, and she was still awake when Nade came to remove the bottle.

For the past two hours, Lu Yuchen has been standing beside her bed changing towels.

"Cough!" An Qiaoran, who was in a coma, coughed uncomfortably, and then a weak voice sounded, "Water..."

Lu Yuchen heard her voice very clearly, and quickly got up to pour water, then helped her up and half leaned on the bed, and brought the water to her mouth, "Drink water."

An Qiaoran heard Lu Yuchen's voice in a daze, and opened his mouth to drink water.

The sweet water flowed into her throat, making her throat a lot more comfortable.

"Do you want more?" A magnetic and pleasant voice sounded.

An Qiaoran was startled when she heard the voice, and slowly opened her eyes. When she saw Lu Yuchen sitting by the bed, she froze.

Lu Yuchen...

How could he speak to her so gently?Did she hear wrong just now?
She just looked at Lu Yuchen like this, with disbelief and shock in her eyes.

Seeing that she was awake, Lu Yuchen put the water glass on the bedside table, stood up tall and looked down at her.

"You are sick. Although the fever has subsided, you still need to rest more. You can tell the maid if you have anything to do. Don't get out of bed if you don't have anything to do."

Lu Yuchen said, then turned around and walked out of the bedroom.


An Qiaoran didn't even have a chance to call him.

She seemed to hear his gentle voice in a daze just now, and she clearly felt him holding her hand tightly when she was unconscious.

Why was he so indifferent to her after she woke up?What happened to him?
An Qiaoran sat on the bed with a sad expression.


After groping for about 5 minutes, the bedroom door was opened again, and Lu Yuchen walked in with a tray.

An Qiaoran looked at him, his eyes sparkling.

Lu Yuchen came to the bed and sat down, took the breakfast in the tray on the bedside table, looked at her, "Eat something first."

An Qiaoran looked at Lu Yuchen, and suddenly didn't know what to say.

what does he mean?Are you taking care of her?

(End of this chapter)

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