Chapter 1067 An Qiaoran's Decision
"Beating by a group of people?" An Qiaoran was a little shocked, "Who did it? Did you see it clearly?"

"Before I was knocked out, all I saw were countless fists and feet, and I couldn't see a human face at all." Mo Yixuan began to complain as he said.

"I don't have any grudges against anyone! As for hitting me so hard? My mouth still hurts now, especially my two hands. The bones are almost broken from being trampled on."

As Mo Yixuan spoke, An Qiaoran sounded miserable.

so miserable?An Qiaoran really knew who did it.

"Then take care of your wounds! I'll die first."

"Oh, Ran Ran..."

Before Mo Yixuan finished speaking, An Qiaoran had already hung up the phone.

Lu Yuchen was jealous of her affair with Mo Yixuan, although he expressed it strangely, it didn't mean he didn't hate Mo Yixuan.

Therefore, the matter of Mo Yixuan being beaten should have something to do with him.

Even so, it doesn't mean anything.

According to Lu Yuchen's character, even if he doesn't care about her at all, but she has scandals with other men, his haughty temper will definitely not let it go.

For several days in a row, An Qiaoran stayed at home with Jiayi, and didn't say much to Lu Yuchen, and even less socialized with Jiayi.

About the banquet that Lu Yuchen mentioned, An Qiaoran had learned about it from A Heng. It was the [-]th anniversary of IE.

Lu Yuchen's view of IE is above all else now, so it is natural to prepare well for the [-]th anniversary celebration, otherwise he will lose face.

Therefore, these two days he has been busy with the anniversary celebrations, but it is better than before. No matter how busy he is during the day, he will go home at night. Although he doesn't talk much, at least An Qiaoran has no doubts. He's having an affair.

As Lu Yuchen said, An Qiaoran didn't go with him, but that didn't mean she really wasn't going.

On the day of the anniversary, Nade changed Lu Yuchen's clothes in person, and he wore well-made black suits, which were very decent.Not only that, but a hair stylist was specially invited to make the hairstyle, and the whole person is more imposing than usual.

An Qiaoran and Jiayi stood aside, looking at the tie and bow tie on the maid's hands. They were full of grandeur, like an ancient emperor, and there were so many people serving every outfit.

Nade took the tie, tied it on Lu Yuchen, and then picked up the tie, ready to put it on Lu Yuchen at night, but at this moment, Lu Yuchen suddenly made a sound.

"An Qiaoran, have you really made up your mind? Don't you want to go?" He stood in front of the mirror, looked at An Qiaoran standing in front of the sofa through the mirror, and asked An Qiaoran's answer again.

"I'm afraid I'll lose face for you, so I won't go." The answer didn't change at all, which was enough to show how firm her will was.

Lu Yuchen didn't speak anymore, and Nade put the tie on for him.

Everything was ready, it was time for Lu Yuchen to leave, Nade sent him to the car, An Qiaoran stood on the balcony on the second floor and watched the three cars leave directly, then turned around and entered the house, went downstairs, See Nad.

The two looked at each other, and Nade stopped the hair stylist and make-up artist who were about to leave, and said kindly.

"Our young lady also needs to dress up, so I will trouble you."

Hearing this, the hair stylist and makeup artist were a little stunned, but then nodded, "Okay."

An Qiaoran won't go with Lu Yuchen, but she still has to dress up.She secretly made a decision, she must let Lu Yuchen change back to the way it was before, but whether she can succeed is another matter.

(End of this chapter)

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