Chapter 1068
An Qiaoran came to the sofa and sat down, and the two maids jointly brought a large mirror for An Qiaoran's convenience.

The hair stylist came behind her, and the makeup artist came in front of her, staring at her delicate face in a daze.

"Madam, may I ask what kind of makeup you need, so I can do it."

There is no way, although she is the mother of a child, her face still looks very delicate, white and delicate, and she doesn't need makeup, so she looks very seductive.

The wealthy wife is well maintained, which is very enviable!

"No special requirements, just change my current appearance, at least don't let people see my appearance casually."

An Qiaoran looked at himself in the mirror and said, "I heard that Nade said that you are the most advanced makeup artist and stylist, you should be able to do cross-dressing?"

"Does Madam mean to completely change your current look?" Both the makeup artist and the stylist were stunned.

Why do you want to change the good ones, so that you don't even know yourself?

"Yes! I just want to change myself." An Qiaoran said looking at his face.

She told Lu Yuchen so enthusiastically that she would not go to the banquet, and now she sneaked away to scold him, didn't she?Still have to dress up a bit so as not to be recognized by him.

After An Qiaoran finished speaking, both of them stood still. You looked at me and I looked at you, and they didn't know what to say.

This rich lady doesn't have many demands, but it's very strange. It's not quite the same as those wives who dress up all day long.

No wonder Lu Yuchen, the president of IE, is so deeply involved in it, he is so devoted to her, and after so many years of marriage, there is not even a single gossip.

"What's the matter? Is my request difficult?" Seeing that neither of them spoke, An Qiaoran couldn't help asking, with a flat tone of disapproval.

"I just heard Nade say that you can become so disguised that even your own mother doesn't know her, that's why I invited you, why don't you talk now?"

An Qiaoran's tone was very flat, and he couldn't tell if he was angry or happy. The two of them got involved in this, and naturally knew An Qiaoran's unhappiness, so they nodded in agreement.

"It's not that we can't do it, it's just that it's very troublesome to remove makeup, I'm afraid you think it's troublesome, madam," said the makeup artist.

"If I find it troublesome, I won't cross-dress." An Qiaoran said, "As long as it doesn't affect pregnant women and is not allergic."

"Don't worry about this, we have done countless experiments, and there will be no problem." The makeup artist assured.

"It's just... ma'am, this makeup can't be removed with makeup remover. It takes half an hour to remove it with the makeup remover mask I gave you. You have to plan well, because once makeup is applied, it will be difficult to remove it." gone."

so troublesome?Still need a mask?

An Qiaoran hesitated, sitting there without speaking, thinking.

"Ma'am, I think it's better to forget it! The anniversary will start soon, and it's so troublesome to remove makeup, I think..."

"Housekeeper De, I have already told Ah Heng that he will arrange for me to go in. No matter what, I will give it a try. I don't believe that Lu Yuchen has no feelings for me anymore."

An Qiaoran said, and looked at the makeup artist as if determined, "Let's start now! Dress me up as a lady, the kind that looks very obedient and obedient."

She usually seems to have a carefree personality, and ladies always walk cautiously. It is simply too challenging for her to be a lady.

"In that case, all right!" The makeup artist glanced at the stylist, and then began to apply makeup.

Nade on the side looked at the stubborn An Qiaoran and really didn't know what to say.

(End of this chapter)

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