Chapter 1087 Don't Admit Jealousy
An Qiaoran had a panoramic view of all this, and finally got jealous!She just wanted him to be jealous.

An Qiaoran was happy for a while, and then continued, "His mouth is quite clever. He said that I would get the first place and I won the first place. Tell me, did he do something behind his back?"

"Enough said?"

Lu Yuchen finally couldn't listen anymore, and looked at her with cold eyes.

An Qiaoran turned a blind eye and continued to talk about himself, "I didn't pay attention to the entertainment industry at first, thinking that the entertainment industry was filthy, but after seeing Qin Feng's behavior, I still think he is very good. Who will marry him in the future? If you lose him, you will definitely be spoiled like a baby."

"Is it the mother of your two-year-old child, or the baby?" Lu Yuchen mocked her.

"It's not a baby who will be spoiled as a baby, you don't understand." An Qiaoran said deliberately.


Lu Yuchen's expression was already very bad, An Qiaoran thought he would get angry, but unexpectedly, he carried her down and put her by his side.

"I can't spoil you as a baby, you can go find him!" After finishing speaking lightly, Lu Yuchen got up and walked outside.

Seeing the back of Lu Yuchen leaving, An Qiaoran was extremely excited, stood up a few steps, ran over, and hugged him from behind.

"What are you doing?" Lu Yuchen's body stiffened.

"I just want you to pamper me like a baby, like you used to pamper our daughter." An Qiaoran leaned against his back, which was very warm.

"Are you naive?" Lu Yuchen was extremely disgusted.

An Qiaoran didn't care, and hugged him even tighter, "I just want to be naive, otherwise I won't be naive when the child grows up."

For such a rascal An Qiaoran, Lu Yuchen didn't move and didn't speak for a while.

An Qiaoran wrapped his hands tightly around his waist, leaning on his broad back, feeling very at ease in his heart.

"Lu Yuchen, you are in such a hurry to leave, do you want to find Qin Feng? You are jealous." Although it was a question mark, it was in an affirmative tone.

"Why am I jealous? The legs grow on your body, you can find whoever you want." The tone of complete denial.

"Zuzuzu, the tone of his speech is so sour, and he said he wasn't jealous."

An Qiaoran slowly walked in front of him and looked at him. He obviously didn't dare to meet her eyes and was avoiding his eyes.

"Lu Yuchen, do you dare to look at me and say you're not jealous?" An Qiaoran wanted him to admit it, as long as he was willing to admit it, he would not be far from the previous Lu Yuchen.

Lu Yuchen turned to look at her, and said with great certainty, "No, I won't be as childish as you."

Looking at his firm eyes, An Qiaoran felt a little disappointed, but it didn't matter, she still had a big move.

"Since you are in such a calm mood, why did you send someone to beat Mo Yixuan that day? You even stomped on his hand, his bones were almost broken?"

Being exposed by An Qiaoran, Lu Yuchen's face changed slightly, becoming unnatural, and he looked at her in denial, "Where did you hear that?"

"Mo Yixuan called me to complain." An Qiaoran said, looking at his slumped face, he continued.

"You don't know, what he said on the phone was terrible, he couldn't get out of bed, and his limbs hurt unbearably."

Listening to An Qiaoran's words, Lu Yuchen felt extremely complicated, but his face returned to indifference.

"If you want to see him, I don't mind, you can go to see him anytime."

An Qiaoran looked at him, when did he become so generous?

"However, I wouldn't be naive enough to argue with a useless person and send someone to beat him? It's ridiculous, it's what a villain does."

An Qiaoran saw Lu Yuchen being so belittled and angry, so naturally he would not believe him.

She didn't know, he was still jealous, but he didn't admit it, why?
(End of this chapter)

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