Chapter 1088 I will become very obedient
"That's right! Bullying others is what villains do." An Qiaoran looked at him and said deliberately.

Lu Yuchen pursed his lips, but didn't say a word.

"Lu Yuchen, is it really so difficult for you to admit that you're jealous?" An Qiaoran looked at him and asked annoyedly.

Lu Yuchen still looked at her with a very sure look, "I told you, I'm not jealous."

"Then I'm going to see Mo Yixuan now?" An Qiaoran tried to ask.

"Whatever you want." An ambiguous answer.

He also said that he was not jealous.

She was just joking, she couldn't solve her own affairs, so how could she go to see him!

"Lu Yuchen, I don't believe you're not jealous." An Qiaoran said, "You have to prove it."

"No, it's not. What's the proof?" Lu Yuchen dismissed it.

"I have to prove that if you're not jealous, you... just kiss me." An Qiaoran looked at him, and dared to speak.

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen was stunned when he looked at her. He looked at her for one second, two seconds...

"Is there anything to prove." Lu Yuchen was unwilling, and glanced aside, not looking at her.

"Of course you have to prove it, because if you are jealous, you care about me, and if you are not jealous, you don't care about me, but I want you to care about me."

An Qiaoran held his big palm, which was very warm, but hers was a little cold.

"Are you learning tongue twisters?" Lu Yuchen looked at her and frowned.

"What tongue twister? I just want you to kiss me, can't you?" An Qiaoran looked at him, "You haven't kissed me for a long time."

After returning to China, I seem to be in a cold war every day, and the total time for talking properly will not exceed 3 minutes.

After An Qiaoran finished speaking, Lu Yuchen set his eyes on her and looked at her big eyes, which were very lively, as if she was talking.

"Can't you be more reserved?" Lu Yuchen frowned.

"I can be reserved, but you won't take the initiative!" An Qiaoran looked into his eyes, "Lu Yuchen, you haven't taken the initiative to talk to me in the past half month, even if you come back once or twice, it's still a dream in the same bed. The time has become so alienated, I don't like this feeling, I want us to go back to the past, can you?"

He doesn't care if he confides his heart to her, but at least, he doesn't want to be cold to her. He can yell at her, but he can't ignore her.

"Kissing you, will you be able to go back to the past?" Lu Yuchen looked at her, feeling inexplicable. Has there been any change between how he treated her before and now?

"It's true that you can't, but at least I will have the feeling that you still love me." An Qiaoran said, "Lu Yuchen, we are husband and wife, just tell me if you have anything, this is before I go to country A. Do you remember what I told you last night?"


"I used to ask a lot from you, and I thought you should tell me everything you have, but now that I think about it, you still need a certain amount of space. You have your own ideas, and I shouldn't force you."

"An Qiaoran, I have nothing to hide from you." Lu Yuchen frowned.

He has nothing to hide from her.

"I know!" An Qiaoran expressed understanding, "I just want to tell you that I will not be so capricious in the future, I will do whatever you ask me to do, and I will become very obedient."

He said he always wanted to hear her sing a song for him alone, but he didn't say it.

He buried everything in his heart, but he didn't show anything on his face, so she didn't know what he was thinking at all.

Therefore, she wants him to speak out, what he thinks, expects, and everything about her.

"You don't have to be very obedient, just don't get me into trouble."

(End of this chapter)

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