Chapter 1089 Are you satisfied now?
Lu Yuchen put his arms around her waist with one hand, raised his chin with the other, and asked her very carefully.

An Qiaoran catered to him, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, a line of tears fell from her eyes and fell on their lips, salty.

Lu Yuchen's body was startled suddenly, and the next second, he suddenly let go of her, staring at her with deep eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

An Qiaoran looked at his eyes, a little confused, "What's wrong?"

Lu Yuchen looked at the tears in the corner of her eyes, hesitated for a moment, then stretched out his hand to gently wipe them away, "Is this enough?"

An Qiaoran was startled, then nodded happily, "Well, I'm satisfied."

An Qiaoran reached out to hold his hand, and leaned his head against him, "Let's go home!"

Lu Yuchen looked at her leaning against him, feeling helpless, "Pay attention to your image, walk well."

"I don't." An Qiaoran refused, "I want to be like this."

With An Qiaoran like this, Lu Yuchen couldn't say anything, so let her do it.

An Qiaoran leaned on Lu Yuchen's shoulder and walked out of the lounge. Ah Heng stood outside, staring at An Qiaoran like this, but didn't say anything.

"Boss Lu, you are..."

A woman's suspicious voice sounded, and An Qiaoran finally stood upright, looking at the woman who walked up to her.

It was Fang Fang.

Lu Yuchen didn't speak, looking at An Qiaoran's current attire, he couldn't find any excuses.

You can't say that the woman beside him is Mrs. Lu!Then the fact that she sang on stage is about to be exposed?

Seeing that Lu Yuchen didn't speak for a long time, An Qiaoran had no choice but to say, "I'm just a little dizzy and I was supported by Mr. Lu. I'm fine now. You guys talk slowly, and I'll go first."

After An Qiaoran finished speaking, she glanced at Lu Yuchen, gave him a look, and then left.

Lu Yuchen watched her leave, then glanced at Fang Fang, and then left too.

"Boss Lu..."

Fang Fang wanted to say something else, but saw that Lu Yuchen ignored her, so she gave up.

It's strange, Lu Yuchen, who has always been cold and arrogant, will help a woman at this time?What an anecdote.

Lu Yuchen thought that An Qiaoran would be in his car, but he didn't. He just sat in the back seat when his phone vibrated.

It's a text message from An Qiaoran.

"In order to avoid suspicion, I will go back first, come back quickly, I will wait for you at home."

Looking at the content of this text message, Lu Yuchen's mouth unconsciously curled into a smile.

Ah Heng, who was about to drive, looked at the faint smile on Lu Yuchen's mouth from the rearview mirror, and was a little stunned.

Mr. Lu, hasn't he laughed for a long time?I'm in such a good mood.

Well, it should be An Qiaoran's reason.

Ah Heng nodded secretly, then started the car and drove out of the parking lot.

Half an hour later, the car stopped at the entrance of the villa. Ah Heng opened the car door for Lu Yuchen himself, then got in the car and drove it to the garage.

Lu Yuchen walked into the door, took off his suit, put it on his wrist, looked around the hall, and saw An Qiaoran on the sofa who was leaning on the sofa with his head up and applying a mask, and walked over.

"What kind of mask do you wear in broad daylight?" Lu Yuchen sat down beside her and put the suit on the sofa.

Hearing Lu Yuchen's voice, An Qiaoran turned to look at him, "Are you back?"

"Master, you are back."

That person came over with a cup of tea and put it on the tea table.

Lu Yuchen picked up the tea and took a sip.

An Qiaoran glanced at the big clock on the wall, then reached out to take off the mask, and said to Lu Yuchen, "I'm going to wash my face first."

Last night, she got up and left.

(End of this chapter)

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