Chapter 1120 I'm really mad at her
Leng Gong...

Hearing this, Nade was stunned for a second, then he came to his senses, and based on the scene of An Qiaoran outside the study door just now, he probably guessed the reason for the incident.

"Young madam, could it be that the young master hasn't come home in the past half month, it's because of you..."


An Qiaoran leaned on the sofa very tiredly, looked up at the ceiling above her head.

"Didn't you say that you can't let Lu Yuchen care about me anymore? I don't want him to fall into a coma forever, so he must stop thinking about me."

When Nade heard this, he fell silent.

It turned out to be for the young master...

After a moment of silence, Na Decai said, "But this is too wronged you, and the young master will not be happy either."

"Whether he is happy or not is not important in front of the permanent coma, as long as he is well, anything is fine."

The way she was just now was completely subconscious. After tonight, it would be impossible for her to see him again. She couldn't bear it.

"Young Madam, I'm really touched that you can do this for the sake of the young master." Nade said.

"So what if I'm moved, for him, from now on, it's impossible for us to meet again."

Didn't Lu Yuchen say that?In the future, he will never step here again, and she will naturally not go to him.

"Young Madam, don't be discouraged. Although the Young Master is angry, it's only temporary. I believe the Young Master still won't worry about you."

"But I just want him to put me down and forget about me." An Qiaoran said, "Butler De, I can't let him have the slightest possibility of danger."

"I see."

Nade nodded, seeing that An Qiaoran regained his composure, he said, "I'll go and see the young master, young lady, if you want to open up, don't be so sad."

An Qiaoran didn't respond, Na Deye shook his head helplessly, turned and left the bedroom.

He came to the door of the study and knocked on the door, but no one answered.

Nade knocked again, but still no one answered.

Nade panicked, and quickly opened the door of the study, but luckily the door was not locked.

As soon as he walked in, Nade's body froze in place. Seeing Lu Yuchen who had fainted on the ground, Nade rushed up.


He ran over and barely helped Lu Yuchen up, "Master, wake up."

Nade called twice, but Lu Yuchen didn't wake up, so Nade quickly checked Lu Yuchen's pulse with a serious expression on his face.

When An Qiaoran got the news and came to the study, Lu Yuchen had already been helped to the sofa.

An Qiaoran stood in front of the sofa, looking at the unconscious Lu Yuchen, very worried, and couldn't help but look at Nade who was preparing the needle.

"Housekeeper De, what's wrong with Lu Yuchen?"

"I felt the young master's pulse. I was in a hurry. The young master would never do this. Now that he suddenly faints, maybe..."

Nade didn't continue talking, his expression was serious, which made An Qiaoran extremely worried.

"What could it be? Butler De, tell me!"

"Maybe..." Nade hesitated for a while, and then said, "Maybe, I'm really mad at you."


Hearing this, An Qiaoran was extremely shocked.

How is this possible?Lu Yuchen...was she fainted by her anger?

"The young master's brain nerves have been damaged due to a long-term heart disease. If there is too much grief, it will cause fainting."

After Nade finished speaking, he sighed deeply, then walked to Lu Yuchen's side and gave him an injection.

An Qiaoran stood aside, listening to Nade's narration, she was so stunned that she didn't say a word.

Lu Yuchen fainted because of the words she said that hurt him. This is really unbelievable, it is simply impossible!

(End of this chapter)

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