Chapter 1121 Let's reconcile!
Is it...

He was already dying of illness, couldn't she stop him from falling asleep?Even trying to snub him is useless?
Nade gave Lu Yuchen an injection, and then took out a bottle of medicine from the medicine cabinet.Looking at An Qiaoran who was stunned, he hesitated for a while before speaking.

"Young Madam, with all due respect, if the young master really can't lose you and loves you so deeply, doing so will only aggravate his condition and will not prevent him from falling asleep."

An Qiaoran looked at Lu Yuchen and listened to Nade's words with a complicated expression.

"Although the young master has received hypnotherapy, his heart for you has not changed. Now you take the initiative to alienate him, it will definitely backfire."

"Then what should I do?" An Qiaoran looked at Na De with trembling lips, and asked helplessly, "Housekeeper De, tell me what should I do?"

Nade bowed his head in silence.

"I can't love, I can't not love, what should I do to not lose him."

An Qiaoran growled in pain, and tears fell down again.

"I can't help it, I really can't help it."

She sat powerlessly on the sofa, shaking her head in pain and helplessness, her face was full of pain, and the tears on her face made people feel distressed.

Nade could only watch him suffer, but he couldn't think of any way at all, and felt very uncomfortable.

Both of them fell into grief, so that they didn't notice Lu Yuchen who had gradually opened his eyes.

He looked at An Qiaoran who was sitting at his feet bowing his head and crying, his eyes became complicated again, and his heart was suddenly blocked.

He just watched her cry like this, until she wiped away her tears and suddenly raised her eyes to look at him, and his eyes met, he sat up slowly.

"Lu Yuchen, you're awake."

An Qiaoran quickly stood up and looked at him excitedly.

Looking at her red and swollen eyes, Lu Yuchen's mood suddenly became heavy.

Pursing her thin lips tightly, she stared at her for a few seconds before slowly speaking, "Since the decision has been made, write the divorce agreement."

Hearing this, An Qiaoran's body froze, and the expression on his face suddenly changed. He looked at him in a daze, and asked again in disbelief, "What did you say?"

"I said, since you can't make it through, you should get a divorce." Lu Yuchen looked at her, and spoke every word clearly.

After confirming the answer again, An Qiaoran's body was a little unsteady, and he stood there a little wobbly.

"Young lady..."

Nad looked at her nervously.

An Qiaoran didn't care, just looked at Lu Yuchen and the decision in his eyes, and it became difficult to breathe.

The two looked at each other for three seconds, An Qiaoran's eyes turned red, and the next second, she suddenly squatted in front of Lu Yuchen, grabbed his hand and shouted excitedly.

"I don't want to! I don't want a divorce, I won't even die!"

"Young lady, what are you doing? Hurry up!"

Nade was startled by An Qiaoran's sudden and violent movements, and quickly stepped forward to help her up, but An Qiaoran pushed him away.

"leave me alone!"

She looked at Lu Yuchen excitedly, her face was covered with tears, she was so excited for a moment, "Lu Yuchen, I regret it, I regret it! I don't want to go on like this anymore, let's make up!"

Lu Yuchen looked at An Qiaoran who was squatting in front of him, frowned, his eyelashes trembled slightly, and reached out to grab her arm, "Get up."

"I don't want to! You told me not to divorce, you don't want to leave me." An Qiaoran resisted, looked at him and shook his head.

"Get up, what should you do if you hurt the child like this?" Lu Yuchen looked at her and frowned, feeling very helpless for her appearance.

"I don't care." An Qiaoran shook his head, tears fell one by one, "I only want you, I don't care about anything else."

(End of this chapter)

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