Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 1138 Can't bear the pain of losing him suddenly

Chapter 1138 Can't bear the pain of losing him suddenly
Light rain fell in the black sky without warning, and it ticked and hit the ground, slowly getting bigger. An Qiaoran and Lu Yuchen went to a clothing store to hide from the rain.

The two stood at the door of the store, watching the rain that was falling harder and harder outside, An Qiaoran was suddenly worried about Lu Yuchen, and couldn't help but turn to look at him.

Looking at her this way, he found that Lu Yuchen was also looking at her with deep eyes, and the hand on her waist tightened involuntarily.

He lowered his head and kissed her on the forehead, exhaling, "Don't worry, I'm fine, as I said, as long as you are by my side, I'm fine."

An Qiaoran didn't know how true what Lu Yuchen said, but she didn't care much, just snuggled up to him.

"Lu Yuchen, no matter what happens, you must tell me, I will be by your side all the time, and I want to know your situation in real time."


Lu Yuchen pursed his lips and did not answer.

"You know, after the psychological treatment, we have wasted too much time between us, and I don't want to waste it. Moreover, I don't think there is any thing or person in this world that is more important than you. "

"So, I'm afraid that I will lose you suddenly. I can't accept the sudden loss, just like I can't accept your sudden change."

An Qiaoran spoke with a hoarse voice, and the hand on his chest couldn't help but clenched his shirt tightly.

"Lu Yuchen, promise me that no matter what your condition is, you will tell me the truth and we will face it together. Don't hide everything from me. That way, even if I suddenly lose you one day, I will hate you forever!"

She was afraid of losing, but she was even more afraid that he would hide everything from her and bear the pain of losing him alone.

She knew that in order not to make her sad, he kept the secret no matter what his condition was, but he never thought about how uncomfortable and worried she was when he concealed it like this.

"An Qiaoran, you're overthinking, I'm fine." Lu Yuchen hugged her in silence for a while, and then said this.

"I can accept the worst result, but I absolutely cannot accept concealment." An Qiaoran did not reply directly to his words.

"The matter has come to this point, if you still want to keep hiding it from me and don't tell me, then... I will never forgive you for the rest of my life."

An Qiaoran looked up at him, his eyes were unexpectedly determined, with a rare stubbornness.

Looking at her eyes like this, Lu Yuchen knew how true her words were, and hugged her even tighter.

"I promise you, I won't hide anything from you." He raised his eyes to the dark sky and promised her.

An Qiaoran looked at the front with empty eyes, as if he hadn't heard his words.

"Do you know what I wrote on the ribbon hanging on the floating tree in Xingda Square in Country A?"

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen was somewhat impressed, "What did you write?"

"No matter what difficulties we have to go through in the future, I hope that we can stay true to our original aspirations and overcome them hand in hand."

Hearing An Qiaoran's soft voice, Lu Yuchen's eyes also became deeper, and he was silent for a long time before he opened his mouth.

"Yes, we will, we...we will spend together together."

An Qiaoran didn't believe a word of what Lu Yuchen said.

She knew him very well, and in order not to make her sad, he would never tell her anything.

Even so, she couldn't help it and told him everything.

She really couldn't bear the pain of losing him suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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