Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 1139 Don't Want To Leave For A Moment

Chapter 1139 I Don't Want To Leave For A Moment
The two stood embracing each other, no one spoke, and the surrounding was so quiet that only the sound of rain was left.

The already bustling night market is now empty and extremely gloomy.

It seemed like a long time had passed, but it was still raining heavily.

"It seems that the rain won't stop for a while."

An Qiaoran was lamenting, when suddenly, a black car stopped in front of the clothing store, in front of An Qiaoran and Lu Yuchen.

The car window opened, revealing An Qiaoli's face, looking at them happily, "Sister, brother-in-law."

"Lily? Why do you..."

When An Qiaoran was surprised, he saw Ah Heng in the driver's seat again, "Boss Lu, madam, get in the car!"

An Qiaoran glanced at Lu Yuchen, then nodded, just as she was about to go down, she saw Lu Yuchen took off her coat and covered her head, An Qiaoran felt warm in her heart.

"Let's go!"

Lu Yuchen hugged her and walked down, opened the car door, and the two got into the car.

As soon as I got in the car, I was still a little bit cold, but my body instantly warmed up.

"The rain was really unexpected. I originally planned to let Steward De come, but I didn't expect to meet you two. By the way, why are you here?"

An Qiaoran couldn't stop talking as soon as he got in the car.


The two people in front looked at each other for a while, and then An Qiaoli said, "Ah Heng and I are shopping near here!"

"Oh! Then are you planning to go to school early tomorrow?" It's not the weekend now, so she probably won't have a holiday.

"I heard that you and your brother-in-law have reconciled, so I'll come back to celebrate with you. A Heng will send me back to school tomorrow morning."

I heard they got back together?

An Qiaoran listened to this sentence.

During the cold war with Lu Yuchen, although An Qiaoli didn't ask much, she was worried, but unexpectedly, she came back directly.


Just thinking about it, she sneezed, which seemed to be caused by the cold wind blowing from standing there just now.

But don't catch a cold, or you should take medicine again.

An Qiaoran touched his itchy nose and thought to himself.

"Now that the weather is getting colder, you still need to wear more clothes." Lu Yuchen stretched out his hand to button her suit, and said.

"I've worn enough clothes, and it's inconvenient to move around." An Qiaoran yawned as he spoke.

"Sleep for a while when you're tired." Lu Yuchen patted his leg, "Lie on my lap."

There is still a lot of space in the car, enough for An Qiaoran to lie down.

After Lu Yuchen said that, An Qiaoran naturally adjusted his position obediently, and then rested his head on her leg.

"If I fall asleep, you have to stay with me, don't run around, and I must look at you when I wake up."

Before closing his eyes, An Qiaoran specially asked Lu Yuchen.


Lu Yuchen looked down at her, nodded to get his promise, and An Qiaoran naturally closed his eyes in peace.

All the way back to the villa, An Qiaoran didn't wake up either.

It was because I walked so much with Lu Yuchen and was very tired.

The three of them entered the living room together, and the long-awaited grandma greeted her. Looking at Ran Ran who was carried upstairs by Lu Yu, she couldn't help but look at An Qiaoli and asked.

"Is Ran Ran asleep?"

"Well, I guess I'm tired from going to the night market with my brother-in-law. It's okay." An Qiaoli took the small paper bag in Ah Heng's hand and handed it to grandma.

"Grandma, this is the most popular pastry in our school, try it."

Grandma stared at the paper bag for a while, and then took it happily, "Lily, you have really grown up."

An Qiaoli was told by her grandmother, she smiled and touched her head, but did not speak.

(End of this chapter)

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