Chapter 1153 Too Tired

An Qiaoran was immersed in pain, listened to Lu Yuchen's words, turned to look at him, with a smile on his lips, "Lu Yuchen, ah..."

As soon as she finished speaking, a burst of severe pain came again, she bit her lip tightly, and tightly grasped Lu Yuchen's hand.

Lu Yuchen looked at the pain on her face, his heart was tightly pulled together, and he held her hand tightly, "Persevere, it will be fine soon."

"Mrs. Lu, try harder."

While pushing her stomach, the doctor encouraged her, "Put harder, it's almost here, it's already showing."

Are you out?

Hearing this, An Qiaoran felt the warmth in the palm of his hand again, gritted his teeth even harder, tearing at the pain all over his body.

The doctor's encouraging voice was all around her ears, but Lu Yuchen didn't pay any attention to it. She just looked at An Qiaoran like this, her eyes reflecting her pain.

Time seemed to have passed a century, and when An Qiaoran tried his best, he finally heard the first cry of a child.

Finally, a smile appeared on her face, and she looked at Lu Yuchen, with a smile still on her face, just looking at it, her vision became more and more blurred, until she closed her eyes completely, without any reaction.

"An Qiaoran!"

Lu Yuchen yelled, startling the doctors and nurses who were tidying up the child. Seeing Lu Yuchen like this, he couldn't help saying.

"Young Master Lu, don't worry, she's just too tired."

yes!Having two kids is exhausting.

Lu Yuchen stretched out his hand and gently stroked An Qiaoran, his hands trembling a little, his movements were extremely kind.

An Qiaoran was pushed back into the ward by the nurse, followed by Lu Yuchen.

Sitting by the bed, Lu Yuchen looked at An Qiaoran who was in a coma, and felt very uncomfortable. He just looked at her like this, and stretched out his hand to smooth the hair on her forehead.

"Yuchen, I brought some hot water, you can give Ran Ran a good wash!" Grandma said from behind holding a basin.

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen turned his eyes, turned off the basin, washed the towel in the water for a while, wrung it dry, and then wiped the sweat off An Qiaoran's body.

The movements were extremely gentle, for fear of waking her up.

Seeing him like this, the grandmother at the side didn't speak, turned around and went out to prepare food for An Qiaoran.

After wiping An Qiaoran off, An Qiaoran's face was still haggard.

He never knew that it would be so painful for a woman to give birth to a child, so painful that she fainted directly.


The door of the ward was opened, and Nade came in holding the wrapped child, followed by a nurse holding another child.

"Master, look at the young master, how cute! He looks very much like you."

Nade walked to Lu Yuchen's side with his eldest son in his arms, and talked to him.

However, Lu Yuchen still looked at An Qiaoran without any reaction, as if he didn't hear him.

Nade was happy in his heart, didn't realize that something was wrong with Lu Yuchen, and continued, "There is also the little lady, who is also very cute, young master, you haven't seen it yet! Take a look!"

After Nade said so much, Lu Yuchen raised his eyes and looked at the son in Nade's arms. The little guy was opening his mouth slightly, and his small eyes were looking around.

I don't know why, looking at this child, Lu Yuchen felt very uncomfortable, so he quickly looked away, and said coldly, "Take him away, don't let me see it."

It was these two children who caused An Qiaoran to suffer so much, and made him weak like this. Once he saw them, he would get angry.

Lu Yuchen's reaction stunned Nade and the nurse.

The nurse has worked here for so long and has never met such a father. Shouldn't the wife be happy that she gave birth to twins?What a look of deep hatred.

(End of this chapter)

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