Chapter 1154 Really Looks Like You

Even Nade suspected that he had heard it wrong, "Master, you..."

"Didn't you hear what I said?" Seeing that he didn't move, Lu Yuchen glanced at him displeased.

"This is your child." Nade said, "Master, your favorite son."

"My favorite is An Qiaoran, hold him away from me! Don't let me see him and can't resist strangling him to death!"

Lu Yuchen spoke impatiently, with a cold tone that made people shiver uncontrollably.

The nurse didn't say anything, put her daughter in the crib beside her, then turned around and fled.

"Master, you can't take your anger out on the child just because the young lady is lethargic. No matter how much you don't like it, it was born with hard work by the young lady. If the young lady heard what you said, she would definitely angry."

Nade looked at Lu Yuchen and said earnestly.

When the Young Madam was pregnant, she had a son all day long. Now that she finally gave birth, how could he still say such things as strangling to death?

After Nade's words were finished, Lu Yuchen obviously listened to it, and did not speak, and stared at An Qiaoran.

"No matter what, I gave birth to it through hard work, and now you don't like it, what do you mean?"

What An Qiaoran once said suddenly lingered in Lu Yuchen's ears, he hesitated for two seconds, and then he looked at the child in Nade's hand, stretched out his arms to hug him, and looked down.

The bridge of the nose and eyes are very similar to him.

Such a small child was so weak in his hands, and his sense of existence was so low, as if he was gone when he let go of his hand.

Lu Yuchen hugged his son for a while, then looked at the daughter in the crib, gave the son to Nade, and then went to pick up the daughter.

It was this daughter who didn't come out for a long time, causing An Qiaoran to suffer a lot.

Originally thought that looking at her, Lu Yuchen would be very angry, but the moment he looked at his daughter, the anger in Lu Yuchen's heart could not be erupted.

Because this daughter is very similar to An Qiaoran, whether it is eyes, nose, or mouth, they are all very similar.

She is the one who resembles An Qiaoran the most among the three children.

The facial features are very similar, only the eyebrows are a bit like him.

Holding his little daughter, Lu Yuchen couldn't let go anymore, staring at her daughter, she smiled happily at Lu Yuchen, smiling happily, her small face was wrinkled, but still very cute.

Lu Yuchen sat by the bed with his little daughter in his arms, and waited until An Qiaoran woke up in the evening.

An Qiaoran slowly opened his eyes, first he saw the white of the wall, and then he saw Lu Yuchen who was sitting beside him holding the child.

He lowered his eyes and stared at the child without blinking. He was so engrossed in his eyes that he didn't even know she was awake.

"Lu Yuchen..."

She had been in a coma for too long, and she was already very tired. Her voice was only as loud as a mosquito's. It was very soft and weak, but Lu Yuchen still heard it, and looked at her excitedly, "Are you awake? How are you doing? Is there any discomfort?"

An Qiaoran shook his head.

After giving birth to two children, how could there be no discomfort?But she didn't intend to say it.

An Qiaoran moved her body, wanting to get up, Lu Yuchen hurriedly put her daughter aside, then helped An Qiaoran up, stacked pillows for her to lean on, and raised the bed a little higher.

"I heard from the doctor that the older one is my son. Show me." An Qiaoran looked at Lu Yuchen and said expectantly.

Lu Yuchen nodded, then carried the baby from the crib and handed it to An Qiaoran.

Holding An Qiaoran in his hands, looking down, he couldn't help laughing, "It really looks like you."

(End of this chapter)

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