Chapter 1155

When Lu Yuchen heard the words, he was careless, "Really?"


An Qiaoran nodded, looked at the one in Lu Yuchen's hand again, and asked in surprise, "Is it twins?"


Lu Yuchen responded, and hugged his daughter to show her. An Qiaoran looked at the pouting child, "That's great. Now, we have both sons and daughters."

"Thank you." Lu Yuchen looked at An Qiaoran and said seriously.

"It's not hard."

An Qiaoran shook his head, looked at his daughter and then at his son, feeling very happy.

At this time, the door of the ward was opened, and grandma, Jiayi, Ah Heng, An Qiaoli, and Zhao Qiaoqiao all came.


As soon as Xiao Jiayi saw An Qiaoran, she ran to the hospital bed and looked at An Qiaoran happily.

"Why is Jiayi here?" An Qiaoran looked at her daughter happily, then raised her eyes to the people who came in, "You are all here, so well-informed?"

An Qiaoli and A Heng came over with flowers in their hands and put them on the bedside table, "Of course, after hearing the news, I came with A Heng after class."

Zhao Qiaoqiao also came over with a flower basket, "I happened to be looking for you, and I met grandma, so I came here together when I heard about it."

"I'm so glad you can come." An Qiaoran looked at the crowd, "Sit down!"

Everyone sat down on the sofa, only grandma came over with a lunch box, "Ran Ran, I made some porridge for you, you should drink some first!"

Hearing about drinking porridge, An Qiaoran remembered something, put the child beside her, and then began to check her arms and legs, but she couldn't see why.

Lu Yuchen frowned slightly watching her actions, "What are you doing?"

"How do you think my figure is? Is it still the same as when I was pregnant?" An Qiaoran looked at Lu Yuchen and asked seriously.

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen was very helpless, "You just gave birth, how can you recover so quickly?"

"Does that mean I'm still the same as before?" An Qiaoran heard the meaning in his words.

Lu Yuchen: "..."

"An Qiaoran, why don't you understand me? What do you care about? I don't even care."

This woman is thinking about these things in her head every day.

Everyone beside Zhao Qiaoqiao couldn't help joking when they heard the words, "Don't worry, Ran Ran, no matter how out of shape your figure is, Young Master Lu still loves you."

"As far as you know."

An Qiaoran gave her a reproachful look.

Zhao Qiaoqiao shrugged, and An Qiaoli said again, "She's right, sister, don't you look at how brother-in-law has taken care of you these past few months, if you despise you, you don't know where to go!"

"You know!" An Qiaoran looked at her amusedly.

These few people knew how to make fun of her.

"Of course I know. When I go home every weekend, I can see my brother-in-law following you every step of the way! If you want to drink water, I will personally pour it for you, but you still feel hot or cold. Brother-in-law doesn't What an angry word!"

"An Qiaoli, if you don't shut up, I'll deduct your allowance." An Qiaoran pretended to threaten.

"That's up to you! My pocket money is all given by my brother-in-law. Even if you want to deduct it, you have to ask my brother-in-law if he agrees, right? Brother-in-law?"

An Qiaoli looked at Lu Yuchen mischievously, originally it was just a joke, but Lu Yuchen didn't mean to make a joke at all.

"All my money is with your sister, and I can't make up my mind." Lu Yuchen's words are completely out of face for An Qiaoli!
An Qiaoli couldn't help complaining, "Brother-in-law, are you serious? You have so much money, the whole villa may not be able to accommodate it!"

(End of this chapter)

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