Chapter 1165 No Time To Accompany Her

It was the first time An Qiaoran saw An Qiaoli so excited, she was a little stunned, "Lily, why are you so angry? He came here specially to find you."

"Sister, you don't know him..."

An Qiaoli didn't want to say anything in the middle of her speech, "Anyway, I don't get along with him, you go out now and don't come here again!"

After An Qiaoli finished speaking coldly, she turned around and was about to go upstairs. Zhang Li was agitated for a moment, and stepped forward to grab An Qiaoli's hand.

"you listen to me……"

"I don't want to listen!" An Qiaoli shook off Zhang Li's hand vigorously, and then quickly ran upstairs.

Zhang Li stood where he was, watching her panicked back upstairs, with a pained face and a stiff body.

An Qiaoran didn't know what was going on with the two of them, so he stood there watching for a while, not knowing what to say.

An Qiaoli has always had a good temper, but now, she seems to hate this man called Zhang Li to the bone.

She walked over with the child in her arms and looked at him, "Did something happen between you and Lily? I've never seen her get so angry."

Zhang Li reacted, gave a wry smile, and glanced at An Qiaoran, "It's a bit of a misunderstanding."


An Qiaoran didn't understand what misunderstanding could make An Qiaoli hate him so much.

"Me and her..."

"Master, you are back." Nade's voice suddenly sounded, An Qiaoran turned his eyes and saw Lu Yuchen walking from the entrance.

Seeing An Qiaoran standing with a man, he frowned slightly.

"Lu Yuchen, why are you back?" Seeing Lu Yuchen's appearance, An Qiaoran was a little shocked, it's only noon now!

Lu Yuchen came over, and wrapped her arms around her waist meaningfully, "Why? Don't you like it? Don't want me to come back?"

Although he was speaking to An Qiaoran, his eyes were watching the tension on the side.

"Why don't you like it? I'm glad you're back!" An Qiaoran said happily, but noticed Lu Yuchen's unfriendly eyes.

"Don't get me wrong!" An Qiaoran knew from the look in his eyes that he had misunderstood, and quickly began to explain, "He is Lili's classmate, and he came to find Lili."

Hearing what she said, Lu Yuchen turned his gaze to An Qiaoran, "I haven't asked anything yet, why are you nervous?"

"Why am I nervous? I was obviously afraid that you might misunderstand, so I just explained it." An Qiaoran was helpless.

Zhang Li, who was standing by the side, finally understood after listening for a while, with a look of surprise on his face, "So you are Master Lu from IE!"

Lu Yuchen said nothing, hugged An Qiaoran and sat down on the sofa, looked at Jiale who was still crying, and frowned, "Why is she crying again? Did you pinch her again?"

An Qiaoran: "..."

"How could I pinch her? She is my daughter." An Qiaoran looked at him speechlessly, "She is just going to sleep, and I have asked Zhao Qiaoqiao to make milk powder for her."

"She's here again?" Lu Yuchen asked dissatisfiedly.

"What is you? She is here to help me take care of the child, okay?"

Lu Yuchen always had problems with Zhao Qiaoqiao because of Jiayi and Jiang Yanbin's affairs, and An Qiaoran didn't like it very much.

"Aren't there so many maids? Besides, how can I let her take care of my children?"

"Why can't I let her take it?" An Qiaoran felt sorry for Zhao Qiaoqiao, "At any rate, she is willing to come and accompany me, unlike you, who is at the company all day and even takes up weekends."

"Are you blaming me for not having time to accompany you?" Lu Yuchen easily understood what An Qiaoran meant.

An Qiaoran didn't say anything, it was a tacit consent.

(End of this chapter)

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