Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 1166 Let him take care of the child

Chapter 1166 Let him take care of the child

"An Qiaoran, I was working. If I'm not working, what do you and your children eat and wear?"

Lu Yuchen watched An Qiaoran play his temper, a little helpless, but also a little funny.

She didn't necessarily miss him much before, but now she still blames him for not being with her.

"Aren't you the president? You decide the working hours." An Qiaoran rubbed his nose and muttered softly, but Lu Yuchen still heard it.

"Then there are still many things that I need to deal with?" Lu Yuchen looked at her with a smile.


An Qiaoran didn't say anything more.

Zhang Li ate a handful of dog food here, and saw the love between the legendary IE president Lu Yuchen and her wife An Qiaoran with his own eyes. His heart couldn't take it anymore. After saying goodbye to An Qiaoran, he left.

Lu Yuchen held Jiale in his arms, Zhao Qiaoqiao brought the milk bottle, An Qiaoran took it, and gave Jiale a drink.

Jia Le held the bottle in her mouth and stopped crying.

Seeing that Lu Yuchen was back, it was time for Zhao Qiaoqiao to leave.

Lu Yuchen hugged his daughter to drink milk, and his whole eyes fell on her. Seeing that most of the full bottle had been removed in a blink of an eye, he couldn't help but start to worry.

"You can drink so much, what will you do if you become a little fat man in the future?"

"This is a child's normal appetite." An Qiaoran said, standing up, "Are you going back to the company in the afternoon?"

"Because you miss me so much, I won't go back." Lu Yuchen looked at her with a smile on his face.

"Okay! If that's the case, then you can help me bring Jiale well, and I'll go up and see Lily."

An Qiaoli was in a bad mood just now, she wanted to go up and have a look at her.

As she said that, she was ready to walk towards the stairs, but just as she took a step, a big palm suddenly grabbed her hand, pulled her back, and sat on the sofa.

"What are you pulling me for?"

An Qiaoran looked at him helplessly.

"I finally came back, and you just want me to take care of the children? To care about other people by yourself?"

Lu Yuchen looked at her dissatisfied, and spoke very displeased.

"Lily is not someone else." An Qiaoran felt very helpless towards Lu Yuchen like this, "Besides, don't you like Jiale quite a lot? You are not willing to let her hug her?"

"It's different!"

"Why is it different?" An Qiaoran still couldn't figure it out.

"The one I hugged voluntarily is the same as the one you forced me to hug, how can it be the same?" Lu Yuchen looked at her with raised eyebrows.


Really rascally enough.

Why is it different?Besides, did she force him to hug him?

"I just asked you to hold her and send her to the baby room after she fell asleep. I didn't ask you to change her diaper and wipe her ass."

"She's asleep now."

An Qiaoran was speechless to him for a moment, then said, "Then give it to me! I'll carry her to the baby room."

As An Qiaoran spoke, she stretched out her hands, ready to hug Jiale, but Lu Yuchen refused to let her hug her, and got up directly holding the child, and walked towards the stairs.

what does it mean?An Qiaoran couldn't understand him anymore, so he got up and went upstairs with him.

Coming to the baby room on the third floor, Lu Yuchen put the sleeping Jiale in the crib, then turned and left.

An Qiaoran followed behind him.

"Since the child is asleep, I'll go to see Lily first. If you have something to do, go to the study."

After An Qiaoran finished speaking, just after taking a step, Lu Yuchen picked her up from behind, and under An Qiaoran's shocked gaze, he put her on the big bed in the bedroom.

He was pressing down on her, reaching out to lift her chin, his voice was hoarse and low, "An Qiaoran, I'm hungry."

"Hungry? Then go eat something! I'm going to cook now."

An Qiaoran said, struggling to get up, but was pushed down by Lu Yuchen again, "No need."

(End of this chapter)

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