Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 1174 They are really father and daughter!

Chapter 1174 They are really father and daughter!
When the timing started, the girls standing on the mat rushed forward in an instant, and the scene was in chaos.

Girls' fights are nothing more than hand to hand, grabbing, and biting. Of course, they are all learning now. As for grabbing hair, they don't know it yet.

An Qiaoran is always paying attention to the situation at the scene, and the chances of girls who are caught crying will drop one every minute.

When the time came to 3 minutes, two girls had already been beaten and cried.

Now there are only Fat Girl and Xiaoyu left. The two grabbed each other's hand and couldn't stop. Anyway, they wouldn't let go unless they pushed each other down.

Fat girl pushed Xiaoyu back several steps, then the situation reversed, Xiaoyu pushed fat girl back several steps.

When the time came to 1 minute, the countdown began, but the two were still deadlocked and it was difficult to tell the winner.

Obviously there is such a big difference in strength between the two, but Xiaoyu doesn't know where the strength came from to be able to stand in a stalemate with Fat Girl until now.

In the last ten seconds, Xiaoyu suddenly exerted force, pushing the fat girl back all the time, and finally threw her forcefully, pressing the fat girl to the ground, and then quickly stood up by herself.

The time was over, the fat girl fell to the ground, she stood up and was going to beat Xiaoyu, but she was stopped by the teacher beside her.

"It's over, you can't fight anymore."

Fat girl stared at Xiaoyu unwillingly, unable to say a word.

"Nice job Xiaoyu." Seeing his daughter Victory, Xiaoyu's father hurried over to pick up her daughter, "How is it? Is there any injury?"

Xiaoyu shook her head, looked at Jiang Yanbin, and then at her father, "Dad, don't bully Brother Bin, okay?"

"Okay! What do you want? Dad will take you to buy it right away." His daughter Shengli said that Lu Yuchen would not pursue this matter any more, so he was naturally very happy.

"He is my brother Bin, not yours, you are not allowed to call him that!" Jiayi, who was being hugged by Lu Yuchen, said very unhappy when she heard Xiaoyu talking about Brother Bin.


Seeing Jiayi like this, An Qiaoran couldn't help but glanced at her, a little unhappy, "Why are you so overbearing?"

"I don't care, Brother Bin can only be called by me, she can't be called!"

"He's sitting at the same table with me, so I'm going to call him that, Brother Bin, Brother Bin."

"I don't allow you to call him that!" Xiao Jiayi's face was swollen and red with anger.

"Brother Bin, Brother Bin, Brother Bin." The more Lu Jiayi spoke, the more Xiaoyu became stronger and screamed louder.

"You are not allowed to call him!"

Lu Jiayi was so angry that she burst into tears, "I don't want you to call him that."

When Lu Jiayi cried, the audience watched another good show.

"Jiayi don't cry, let her scream if she wants!" Seeing her crying daughter, An Qiaoran felt distressed and helpless.

"Lu Jiayi, forgot what I told you? Don't cry." Lu Yuchen looked at Lu Jiayi, frowned and said.

After being told by Lu Yuchen, Lu Jiayi really stopped crying, wiped away her tears, and looked at Jiang Yanbin beside her, with a heavy nasal sound in her voice.

"Brother Bin, except for me calling you that, ignore her if anyone else calls you, okay?"

An Qiaoran looked at Jiang Yanbin and then at Lu Jiayi, feeling helpless.

This Jiayi is too dependent on liking, right?Possessiveness is still very strong, no one else can call her, even worse than Lu Yuchen, they are really father and daughter!Such a similar personality.

Thinking about it, she couldn't help but glanced at Lu Yuchen, not wanting to speak.

"What do you see me doing?" Lu Yuchen caught her meaningful gaze and frowned at her.

(End of this chapter)

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