Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 1175 She and Lu Yuchen Are Replaced

Chapter 1175 She and Lu Yuchen Are Replaced

"It's nothing."

An Qiaoran shook his head meaningfully, then looked at Jiayi with worry in his eyes, "Can we take Jiayi to the hospital now?"

Lu Yuchen glanced at the girls who had been caught badly enough, then stood up holding Jiayi, and left without saying a word.

Everyone looked at Lu Yu who left, confused, and did everything according to his instructions. Now that he lost, how to punish him is to leave a word!What is this?
"Brother Bin, come here quickly!" Jiayi turned her head to look at Jiang Yanbin who was standing there, and couldn't help waving at him.

Jiang Yanbin stood on the spot and looked at her, without saying a word, and didn't intend to move.

"Brother Bin, can you follow me quickly?" Lu Jiayi was a little disappointed, but she still didn't intend to give up.

Jiang Yanbin still didn't move, watching the three of them drift away.

"Jiayi, your brother Bin needs to study, so he can't be with you." After getting in the car, An Qiaoran looked at Lu Jiayi and couldn't help but comfort him.

Lu Jiayi was looking in the direction of the kindergarten gate reluctantly.

"Mom, I won't go to the hospital, okay? There is a teacher teaching dancing in the afternoon, I want to learn, and dance for brother Bin."


An Qiaoran watched her daughter bite each other from Brother Bin, feeling very helpless.

Why is this daughter not clinging to her parents at such a young age, but instead clinging to Jiang Yanbin?That kid replaced her and Lu Yuchen.

An Qiaoran was thinking about it when she saw Lu Jiayi suddenly reaching out to open the door, An Qiaoran was so frightened that she quickly stopped her.

"You're in the car now, it's very dangerous for you, you know?" She wanted to be so eager, but it's just that she won't see Jiang Yanbin for a while, shouldn't it be like this?
"But mom, I just want to learn to dance! It's so beautiful to jump around." Lu Jiayi's face was full of excitement.

An Qiaoran had nothing to do with her, so she could only throw the blame on Lu Yuchen who was driving.

"Lu Yuchen, let's see what to do now!"

"Lu Jiayi, you need a comprehensive inspection now, don't go!"

Lu Yuchen's tone of voice when talking to children is always so tough, and resistance and rejection are not allowed.

Sure enough, Jiayi could only cling to An Qiaoran. She didn't dare to resist Lu Yuchen's words, and kept her head down to be angry with herself.

Lu Yuchen glanced at Lu Jiayi from the rearview mirror, did not speak, and drove the car intently.

"Jiayi is obedient, mother will call your Aunt Zhao, and ask Aunt Zhao to pick up Brother Bin to see you after school, okay?"

Jiayi, who was originally very troubled, became excited when she heard this, and quickly clapped her hands in applause, "Okay, okay!"

An Qiaoran looked at her daughter, raised the corner of her mouth, and patted her head.


After going to the hospital for a comprehensive examination of Lu Jiayi, she found that there was no major problem, and the knee injury had no effect on her future actions. What she needed was rest and she couldn't move for the time being.

There was no major problem, so after the inspection, some external rubbing medicine was prescribed, and then I went back.

The two little ones have already woken up. Grandma and Mrs. Zhang, who is dedicated to taking care of the children, are breastfeeding the baby, and the little ones are gurgling.

"Jiayi, what's wrong?"

As soon as grandma saw Jiayi in Lu Yuchen's arms, she hurried over and looked at Jiayi's leg injury, feeling distressed.

"How did it hurt? Why is it so serious?"

(End of this chapter)

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