Chapter 1176 Arrogant temper

"I was pushed by someone at school. It's nothing serious. Grandma doesn't have to worry." An Qiaoran couldn't help but said when she saw the worried expression on her grandma's face.

"I think it's serious. It's nothing serious to go for an inspection, right?" Grandma looked at the bandaged wound, still a little worried.

"It's fine, but I can't move for the time being." Regarding this, An Qiaoran was still very heartbroken. It was the first time Jiayi had suffered such a serious injury.

"I'm sure I can't move after being injured like this. It's okay. From now on, tell grandma where Jiayi is going, and grandma will take you there." Grandma stretched out her hand to hold Jiayi's hand, and said kindly.

"Thank you ma'am."

As Lu Jiayi said, she looked up at Lu Yuchen, "Father, I want to watch the rabbit."

"What's so good about a rabbit?" Lu Yuchen frowned.

"I want to see it!"

"If she wants to see it, just hug her!" An Qiaoran looked at Lu Jiayi affectionately.

"You are the only one who spoils her." Lu Yuchen glanced at her.

"Why do I get used to her?" An Qiaoran said innocently, "Isn't it normal for kids to like watching animation?"

"Seeing too much is bad for your eyes."

"But it can kill time! Otherwise, she is usually alive and kicking, and suddenly she can't jump and can't dance, and she can't watch TV. How boring!"

Jiayi seldom had time to sit quietly in the villa, except when watching TV...

Ok!In fact, watching TV is not very stable. When she sees the little rabbit jumping, she will stand up and jump. Regarding this, An Qiaoran can only say that she is very good at jumping.

After An Qiaoran finished speaking this series of words, Lu Yuchen stopped talking, carried Jiayi to the side hall, put her on the sofa, and turned on the TV.

"Just sit here, don't run around, do you hear me?" Lu Yuchen warned sternly.

Jiayi nodded obediently, "I know Dad."

Lu Yuchen glanced at her, turned and left.

"Dad, I want to eat grapes."

He had just taken two steps when he was stopped by Lu Jiayi. He became a little angry and turned to look at her.

"Lu Jiayi, do you dare to order me?"

"I don't, Dad!" Lu Jiayi blinked innocently, "I just want to eat grapes."

"Let the maid help you get what you want to eat." He left this sentence in displeasure, then turned and left.

Lu Jiayi boredly glanced at the advertisement on the TV, then turned to look at the maid who was cleaning, "I want to eat grapes."

Hearing this, the maid glanced at her, then nodded, "Alright miss, wait a moment."

Not long after, the grapes arrived, and Lu Jiayi was looking at them with interest, "Miss, your grapes."

Lu Jiayi took one and tasted it, then spit it out on the ground, looking at the maid a little annoyed, "I want ice."

"But miss, my wife said that you can't eat food that is too cold."

"I don't care, I want to eat, you hurry up and get it for me!" Lu Jiayi also played the eldest lady's temper, the maid had no choice but to turn around and get her.

Walking to the door, he suddenly met An Qiaoran who came in with a bowl of egg fried rice, and nodded respectfully, "Madam..."

"I've heard it all. Jiayi is sick, so she will inevitably have a bad temper. Please take care of her." An Qiaoran glanced at Lu Jiayi on the sofa, feeling helpless and having a headache.

How can she not learn all the useless things?I also learned to scold the maid, this arrogant habit is not good.

(End of this chapter)

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