Chapter 1212 Flirting
The shock on the grandfather's face made An Qiaoran a little inexplicable, "Can't eat sugar if you are a couple?"

"It's not that you can't eat it, it's just that the image of this sugar figure is yourselves. Are you...willing to eat it?"

After the grandfather finished speaking, he lowered his head in embarrassment. This young couple is really cute!
An Qiaoran who finally turned his head around the corner finally understood, glanced at Lu Yuchen beside him, and couldn't help laughing.

"Grandpa, it's not unreasonable for you to say that, but! I just want to see how he and I will be presented in front of our eyes in the form of sugar figures."

Lu Yuchen is now carrying a big bear, and An Qiaoran is holding flowers in both hands. It should look better on the sugar figurine than in the photo.

When An Qiaoran said this, the old man understood, "So it is! Since it is for viewing, I will make it for you with other things, so that you can keep it for more than ten years without breaking. It is no longer a sugar man, so it cannot be eaten."

"It's just for watching and keeping as a souvenir. We don't eat these things that have no nutritional value." Lu Yuchen, who had been silent all this time, suddenly made a sound, and he offended people when he made a sound.

"Lu Yuchen, can you be silent quietly?" An Qiaoran looked at him speechlessly.

This is his profession, so even if you don't like it and don't want to eat it, don't be sarcastic in front of people!
"I'm not dumb!" It's impossible for Lu Yuchen not to be angry when someone called him dumb, "Need I remind you?"

"I mean can you please stop talking."

Why can't he understand such nonsense!

Lu Yuchen's face was extremely cold, An Qiaoran was tired and didn't want to talk anymore, so he looked at the old man and apologized.

"I'm sorry, grandpa. He has such a temper. He is outspoken. I hope you don't mind."

I thought the old man would be very angry and say no, but he smiled and looked at her, "You two are flirting! I'm not angry, but happy!"

"Grandpa, you are so kind." There are really not many people with a good temper now, "How is your business today?"

"It's okay! Except for the holidays, today is the best day. The main reason is that people are old and can't walk after sitting at home for a long time, so they come out for activities."

The old man sighed while preparing the materials.

"My grandma and grandpa are like this. When I was in the country, my grandpa liked to go out and play chess with the neighbors. My grandma likes to grow some small vegetables and sell them in the market."

"That's not bad!"

"I think it's hard for them in the country, but now it's better. I brought them to the city. Grandpa often goes out for a walk. He feeds the birds at home when he has nothing to do. Grandma just goes out to dance squares with those grandmas. Wu, your body is still very strong now!"

Speaking of grandparents, An Qiaoran is more energetic than anyone else.

"Old people just can't sit still, they're useless when they sit, and they're prone to problems. It's good to go out and exercise."


An Qiaoran looked down, and there was already a general outline. It could be seen that a man and a woman were hugging each other. An Qiaoran's hands could be seen to be holding flowers, but when the big bear that Lu Yuchen was carrying was on top, it turned into a big bear. Hugging the big bear, holding the big bear with one hand and embracing her with the other.

"Grandpa, you seem to have made a mistake..."

An Qiaoran reminded subconsciously.

"I know, you want to say bears, right?" The old man raised his head, looked at her kindly, and said the reason.

"I just watched him pinch the big bear's neck like this and put it on top of the sugar man. Wouldn't it be great? Don't you think this is pretty good? It can show his gentleness and the love between you, I think pretty good."

(End of this chapter)

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