Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 1213 Be prepared not to swipe your card

Chapter 1213 Be prepared not to swipe your card
Lu Yuchen's gentleness?The love between them?

An Qiaoran glanced at the outline of the sugar figure again, and it looked very similar, nodded, "Okay, that's it."


Lu Yuchen wanted to talk at first, but he didn't expect the grandfather to add another sentence to show their love, so he didn't say anything, it was acquiescence.

The grandfather continued to paint her and Lu Yuchen with unknown things, and the picture became clearer and clearer.

Lu Yuchen's focus need not be less than that of An Qiaoran, both of them had their eyes on Sugar Man.Yes, looking at Sugar Man is a little bit clearer.

After waiting for more than an hour, the grandfather finally finished the work, and offered it to An Qiaoran with both hands, "Look at it, how does it look? If it doesn't work, I'll change it."

An Qiaoran put one hand in another, and looked at the two people above, amazed.

"It's so beautiful! I like it so much."

Lu Yuchen also stared at the work.

Above him is holding An Qiaoran holding flowers in one hand and a big gray bear in the other, facing forward with a smile on the corner of his mouth, An Qiaoran is leaning slightly against him with a happy smile on his face.

It is also colored, which is very beautiful and beautiful.

"Is this soft clay?" Lu Yuchen glanced at the old man.

"Yes, polymer clay, it can be preserved forever, and I used good materials and pigments, and the color on it will not degrade over time."

"You, a sugar seller, also understand this?" Lu Yuchen looked at him inexplicably.

"I've learned this similar craft before, and isn't today a holiday for you little lovers? I knew someone would need it, so I brought the tools here."

The old man's face is very kind.

Upon hearing this, Lu Yuchen didn't say anything more, and carefully watched the soft clay, the colored clay figurines are really beautiful.

"Can sugar people also be drawn?" Lu Yuchen asked after looking at it for a while.

"It can be painted, but the best materials will not last longer than 24 hours."


Lu Yuchen covered his eyes, thought deeply about this, and did not speak.

"It's really beautiful." An Qiao was immersed in the soft clay, not paying attention to the conversation between them, and handed it to Lu Yuchen.

"Here, I'll pay."

Lu Yuchen didn't take it, but just looked at her questioningly, "Did you pay? Are you sure you brought the money?"

An Qiaoran froze when she heard the words, and suddenly recalled that when she came in the morning, she just changed a piece of clothes and didn't take her bag...

"Okay! Come and drive!"

An Qiaoran said resignedly, and suddenly thought of something, "Do you have cash?"

He usually doesn't have cash on him, except for cards in his wallet, how can she expect him to take money?And this grandpa should not have WeChat Alipay or the like.

Lu Yuchen raised his eyebrows and looked at her, "You'll know when you take it out and have a look."

In a daze, An Qiaoran took out the wallet in his pocket, opened it, and there were hundreds of yuan in it!There are only two cards.

No wonder his wallet is bulging, it should be in the tens of thousands!

"When did you withdraw so much money?" Didn't he always swipe his card?

"This morning."

After deciding to come to this ghost place with her, he was ready not to swipe his card.

An Qiaoran understood, glanced at the old man, and took out ten hundred-yuan bills, "How much?"

"You don't need so many, take this as a gift from me to you." Seeing that she took out so many banknotes, the old man quickly waved his hand to decline.

(End of this chapter)

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