Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 122 Who Says You Haven't Seen Me?

Chapter 122 Who Says You Haven't Seen Me?

"what happened?"

Lu Yuchen raised her head and asked her, she seemed to have something on her mind.

An Qiaoran hesitated for a long time, and finally decided to have a showdown with him.

"Lu Yuchen, that painting in your study... When did you draw it?"

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen was a little shocked, "How do you know it was painted by me?"


"I drew that 17 years ago." Lu Yuchen said, falling into some memories. "I was 11 at the time."

What he said made An Qiaoran inexplicably nervous, and kept stirring her fingers, "Her name is Little Pigtail, isn't it?"

"No." Lu Yuchen looked at him seriously, and An Qiaoran subconsciously looked up at him when he heard this answer.

Before he fainted that day, he called Xiao Zhuizi's name, and the housekeeper also said it was Xiao Zhuizi, how can he say it's not now?

"Little Braid is the name given to her."

"What name did you choose?" An Qiaoran was very surprised.

"When I met him, I didn't know her name, so I named her because she had two braids." Lu Yuchen said slowly, but he didn't notice that An Qiaoran was getting more and more serious. pale face.

"Is that person... important to you?"

After asking, An Qiaoran felt funny again.If it wasn't important to him, why did he draw it at that time and keep it for so many years.

Lu Yuchen paused, then nodded, "Yes, it's very important."


An Qiaoran's heart sank, "Then...where is she now?"

"I don't know." Should he tell her that that person is here?
Now is not the time, she has completely forgotten him, he wants her to remember, or when he fell in love with him, he told her the truth.

"Since that person is very important to you, why did you marry me?" Finally, An Qiaoran asked.

She didn't understand why he kept thinking about that woman, but still wanted to marry her?Everyone just because of a pendant?
Her question made Lu Yuchen's eyes suddenly become deep and dignified. After a long time, he said, "Because you are also very important to me!"

"But I didn't see you at that time." He just came to see him at that time, and he threw her a marriage agreement. How could he think that she was important?
"Who said you haven't seen me?" Lu Yuchen blurted out subconsciously.

An Qiaoran looked up at him, "I've seen you? Why don't I remember?"

Has she ever seen him?What kind of character is he?It's impossible in a dream, let alone in reality.

Lu Yuchen also found that he had slipped his tongue.A look of uneasiness flashed in his eyes, "Just because you haven't seen me, doesn't mean I haven't seen you."


"Master, the porridge is ready." Nade came over with the porridge and interrupted what An Qiaoran was about to say.

"Give it to me." Lu Yuchen stretched out his hand, brought the bowl over, and stirred it with a spoon.

"Shall I feed you?" He looked at An Qiaoran and asked with raised eyebrows.

An Qiaoran shook his head subconsciously, then nodded quickly.

Why do people oppress and refuse?

Lu Yuchen smiled helplessly, then scooped up a spoonful and put it near his mouth and blew it, and then handed it to her mouth after making sure it wasn't hot.

An Qiaoran opened his mouth, chewed, and swallowed.

Looking at the man in front of him who was focusing on feeding himself porridge, An Qiaoran fell into deep thought.

No matter what the matter of marrying her is, as long as he treats her well, that's fine.

If one day, that woman really comes back, she is not unable to give way.

An Qiaoran ate two bowls of porridge before going upstairs to take a shower.


Standing in front of Nade, Lu Yuchen's eyes lost the tenderness and doting just now, instead they were filled with haze and anger.

(End of this chapter)

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