Chapter 123 Lu Yuchen's Revenge
"Nade, go and form a department to attack Mo's and Chen's! In a week, I will make their two companies disappear in Beicheng!"

Mo Yixuan hid An Qiaoran, and even tried to plot against her, he will definitely not spare him!
And Chen Lanxue, isn't he relying on having the richest man who is his father?It was against An Qiaoran again and again.

He still doesn't believe it, he can't touch Chen Guangren!
Hearing this, Nade was full of surprise, "Master! I'm afraid this is inappropriate."

"What's wrong?"

"Master, there is no problem in attacking Mo's, but Chen's is a large enterprise in Beicheng with too many supporters. If our goal is too obvious, it will also affect IE!"

"Too many supporters? That means they don't know Chen Guangren's true face!"

Lu Yuchen said coldly, his face full of chills was full of determination, "In order to preserve his reputation, he did not hesitate to drive his stepdaughter and his own daughter out of the house. This news is enough to keep him busy for a while!"

When Nade heard this, he still had some concerns, "But young master... IE and the Chen family have a lot of cooperation. If we are like this, the old lady..."

"I'll explain it myself, so you don't need to worry about it! In short, I want the Chen family and Mo Yixuan to survive in this northern city! It's best not to let Mo Yixuan appear in front of An Qiaoran again!"

Seeing that Lu Yuchen was so decisive, Nade couldn't say anything more, so he nodded, "Yes, master! In a week's time, there will be no Mo and Chen in Beicheng."


An Qiaoran didn't know that Lu Yuchen wanted to retaliate against Mo Yixuan and Chen Guangren.

In the bamboo house for the past few days, she couldn't sleep every day. She finally came back and wanted to sleep well, but she was woken up by the ringing of the phone.

An Qiaoran woke up in a daze, and touched the charging mobile phone on the bedside table.

She left in a hurry that day and forgot to take her mobile phone, so that when she came back, she ran to the bedroom on the second floor, only to find that the battery was dead.

She answered the call without looking at who it was, "Hello!"

"Ran Ran, you really scared me to death! I finally got through to you! What have you been doing these days? You can't get through the phone, and there is no one at school." As soon as the phone was connected, Zhao Qiaoqiao said a lot.

An Qiaoran was so confused that he was dizzy.

"I... can't say enough! I'll tell you when I go to school in a few days."

"In a few days? Do you know that something big happened in school recently?" Zhao Qiaoqiao's voice was not exaggeratedly loud.

"What happened?"

"The school has been testing crazily recently. I don't know how many times I have been scolded by the teacher. I am almost useless. If you don't come to protect me, I will really drop out of school."

"That's it?" An Qiaoran disapproved, "That's not right! Didn't you just pass the test last time, can you not take the test?"

Her words made Zhao Qiaoqiao over there very speechless, "Last time, your husband personally approved it. You are not here this time. Do you think your husband will take care of me?"

An Qiaoran was silent.

"Anyway, Ran Ran, come to school quickly! If you don't come, I... oh!" Zhao Qiaoqiao also sighed deeply.

"I haven't been to school these days, and I'm all testing?"


"What's the matter? Just don't go! Anyway, our strength doesn't need to be tested, so we just fail! When the school doesn't test, let's go again."

During the few days in the bamboo house, An Qiaoran seemed to understand a lot of things.

Not only did she figure out what happened to Lu Yuchen, she even wanted to give up on medicine.

Anyway, she doesn't have that IQ.

"Ran Ran, don't you mean a strike? Will we be expelled?" Zhao Qiaoqiao was a little worried.

"The school doesn't have classes, and we don't need tests, so how can we just go to class? What are you afraid of? I have you covered!"

"Okay, okay!" Zhao Qiaoqiao was very happy.

"Well... Ran Ran, I have one more thing to ask you."

(End of this chapter)

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