Chapter 167
There was light rain falling outside the window, and the comatose person on the hospital bed gradually woke up, slowly opened his eyes, and saw the white ceiling.

Lu Yuchen noticed her movement, and his heart suddenly became excited.

"you're awake?"

An Qiaoran looked at the excited Lu Yuchen, and only then remembered that she subconsciously blocked the bullet for him.

"Am I already dead?" She looked at Lu Yuchen's face and said untruthfully.

"With me here, you'll be fine." Lu Yuchen held her hand tightly and said firmly.

"Then I'm not dead?" An Qiaoran said belatedly, suddenly remembering what he said to Lu Yuchen before he fainted, feeling a little annoyed.

At that time, she thought she was going to die, so she said what was in her heart, but... She didn't die, and she was still alive.

Not only that, but the first thing she saw when she woke up was Lu Yuchen.

Immediately, she felt very uncomfortable, feeling ashamed to see him, she glanced to the other side.

Naturally, Lu Yuchen didn't know that this was a shameful reaction, and thought that she had some sequelae, so he quickly called the doctor over through the inside line.

Looking at the doctor in front of him who was examining his body, An Qiaoran felt puzzled.

"Does the wound still hurt?" The female doctor took off her oxygen mask and asked her.

An Qiaoran froze for a moment, then shook her head, "It doesn't hurt too much, but it still feels numb."

The doctor held out his index finger in front of her eyes, and asked her, "How much is this?"

"It's one!" An Qiaoran felt even more strange, why did she ask her these questions that should be answered by a fool or blind.

After listening to her answer, the doctor said to Lu Yuchen with certainty, "Don't worry, sir, the patient has no sequelae. If he rests well, he will fully recover in about three months. But remember, the patient should not have any symptoms during this period." For strenuous exercise, it is best not to use the left hand as much as possible, otherwise it will lead to wound infection and deterioration.”

Lu Yuchen nodded lightly, the doctor walked out, An Qiaoran still turned his head aside, not looking at Lu Yuchen.

"An Qiaoran, what you hurt is your arm, not your head." No matter how much you look at him, don't you even look at him?How scary is he?
"I know! I'm just tired and just want to rest." No one knew how upset An Qiaoran was now.

She wished that Lu Yuchen had forgotten what she said, but... Her words, plus she blocked a bullet for him, this series has already proved that she is in love with him.

So much so that she didn't even think that at that critical moment, she would hug him with such great courage and stand in front of him, and it was still instinctive.

When she saw Mo Yixuan pointing the gun at Lu Yuchen suddenly, her mind went blank, and when she realized it, she was already standing in front of him.

She, who was always afraid of death and pain, was so desperate at that moment.

Could it be that she really loved Lu Yuchen to the bottom of her heart, and even cared about her life for him.

Seeing her talking to him so vigorously, Lu Yuchen didn't believe that she was tired at all. However, looking at the wound on her arm, he still didn't say much.

"Sleep when you're tired!"

An Qiaoran closed her eyes obediently, but there were many entangled emotions in her heart.

She was thinking in her heart, should she explain it clearly to him?But... Wouldn't it be embarrassing if she mentioned it again after he had forgotten it?

But if you don't mention it... She feels weird again.

Only at this moment did she realize that it is such a hard thing to have a crush on someone?What's more, the person she has a crush on is her husband!

Then did she say it or not!

(End of this chapter)

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