Chapter 168 Don't Shot
She was tangled in her heart, and the eyeballs under her eyelids were twitching. Until noon, she was still tangled.

It's just... when she thought about explaining to Lu Yuchen, severe pain swept through her whole body.

It was still numb in the morning, why is it so painful now?
She couldn't help opening her eyes, frowning in pain.

Seeing her like this, Lu Yuchen couldn't help but worry, "What's wrong? The wound hurts again?"

"Yeah." An Qiaoran responded softly, the pain made her unable to help turning her body sideways, but it hurt so much when she moved, that she didn't dare to move anymore.

Seeing An Qiaoran's continuous pain, Lu Yuchen's heart also felt uncomfortable, "The doctor is coming soon."

As soon as the words fell, the doctor quickly walked in with several nurses, one of whom was still holding a syringe.

Looking at the sharp needle eyes, An Qiaoran was sweating all over, shaking his head in fear.

The next second, she looked at Lu Yuchen as if asking for help, "I don't want an injection!"

There are two things she is most afraid of in her life, one is pain, and the other is injections. She has an extreme fear of needles.

She still remembers that when she was sick when she was a child, her mother called the doctor to give her an injection, but the doctor stabbed her buttocks hard, and she immediately passed out from the pain.

As a result, she couldn't sit down for a week...

Since then, she has not dared to get an injection.

I thought that she would never have any chance of having a needle again in her life, but she never expected...but now she is going to get a shot again.

Lu Yuchen looked at her panicked eyes, and couldn't help looking at the doctor beside him.

"Injections are the best way to relieve pain. It takes at least 15 minutes for the medicine to take effect." The doctor said seriously, without any joke.

15 minutes, wouldn't she be in pain for a long time?
Looking at An Qiaoran's eyes, Lu Yuchen could not bear it. He stretched out his hand to caress her face, his eyes were full of doting, and his voice was magnetic, "Be obedient."

An Qiaoran was too frightened to speak, and shook his head desperately.

Seeing her like this, Lu Yuchen felt helpless and had no choice but to be tough.

He stood up and took the syringe from the doctor's hand, "You all go out."

The doctors and nurses looked at his actions, a little at a loss, "Sir, you..."

"I said it!" Lu Yuchen glared at them impatiently.

His eyes were too sharp, the doctor turned and left helplessly.

The door of the ward was closed, and An Qiaoran looked at Lu Yuchen holding the needle, trembling in his heart, "I don't want the injection."

"After taking the painkiller injection, you won't be in pain anymore, be obedient." Lu Yuchen persuaded her very patiently.

"I don't feel any pain anymore, so I don't need to fight!" An Qiaoran said subconsciously.

She regretted admitting that the wound hurt just now, but now she is going to suffer from the injection.

"Then I have to beat it!" Lu Yuchen couldn't believe what she said that it didn't hurt anymore, and she was sweating profusely.

"Isn't it?" An Qiaoran was hopeless, "Then you shouldn't be the one to fight!"

An Qiaoran seriously doubted his ability, what if he couldn't beat her and hurt her?
"I thought you wouldn't be afraid if I hit you." Lu Yuchen said it as a matter of course, and then made a gesture to take off her pants.


An Qiaoran subconsciously refused, but it was too late, he had already taken it off and tied it on.


The ant-like pain was strange, but it wasn't very painful. Why did the quack doctor prick her so painfully?

"Does it not hurt?" Lu Yuchen pulled up her pants, then looked at her with raised eyebrows.

An Qiaoran nodded in a daze, "It doesn't hurt, how did you do it?"

(End of this chapter)

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