Chapter 188 The One You Love Is Me
Lu Yuchen said that the person in the portrait was her, but she couldn't see any resemblance between this girl and herself.

Moreover, she didn't have any impression.

What happened back then.

Lu Yuchen's grandma knew that he had a woman in his heart, and said that woman would come back one day.

Could it be that Lu Yuchen's grandma also met that girl?However, Lu Yuchen's grandma has not recognized her after seeing her twice now, so why is Lu Yuchen so sure?

Also, is the girl in this portrait the same person as her?

An Qiaoran had countless questions in his mind, but he didn't think of any answers.

An Qiaoran was like this, watching the girl lost in thought for a long time, but she didn't let go.


In the evening, when Lu Yuchen came back from the company, he asked Nade and found out that An Qiaoran had already rested upstairs.

And it went up a long time ago.

Nade obeyed what An Qiaoran said, and did not tell Lu Yuchen about the old lady's visit.

Lu Yuchen strode up the stairs, unbuttoning his suit while walking, then took it off and put it on his wrist.

When he came to the bedroom on the third floor, he gently opened the door, walked in, put the clothes on the hanger, and then walked towards the big bed.

When he came to the bed and saw An Qiaoran who was sleeping soundly, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but tilt slightly.

Putting her hand on the quilt into the quilt, he stood by the bed and stared at her.

In the dim light, he could still see her facial features and face clearly, still so cute.

Lu Yuchen stretched out his hand to brush the fine hair on her forehead behind her ear, stared at her for a few seconds, then bent down, and kissed her on the lips.

Because he just came back from the outside, his thin lips were a little cold, and they fell on her warm lips, and he couldn't move them away for a while.

But in order not to wake her up, he suppressed his inner excitement, forced himself to get up, and went into the bathroom.


02:30 in the morning... An Qiaoran slept very restlessly, and was tormented by nightmares.

"An Qiaoran, the person I love has returned, you can get lost."

Lu Yuchen stood in front of him hugging a beautiful woman in coquettish clothes, looking down at her with cold eyes, full of disgust and disdain.

An Qiaoran looked at the scene in front of him, shook his head in disbelief, his heart ached, "No... Lu Yuchen, you said that the person you love is me and the person you are waiting for is me, this can't be true! "

"Hehe!" The woman in Lu Yuchen's arms laughed loudly, and looked at her with disdain, "What a poor person, don't you know that there is an idiom in this world called overestimation?"

As the woman said, she wrapped her arms around Lu Yuchen's neck with her hands, and her seductive red lips left one after another lip marks on his handsome face.

"The person Yuchen loves is me. He has waited for me for 17 years and loved me for 17 years. As for you, he just mistook you because of a pendant. You really think he loves you."

"If it wasn't for the pendant on your neck, how could I have married you? How ignorant and stupid! Get out of here!"

Lu Yuchen's cold voice fell into her No. [-] middle school, and her eyes were reddened by the intimate behavior of the two in front of her.

She looked at the two people in front of her heartbroken, only to find that the woman turned out to be an enlarged version of the pigtail in the portrait!



Lu Yuchen was lying beside An Qiaoran, hearing her voice, he quickly turned on the bedside lamp, only to see that she was sweating profusely.

His head was shaking uneasily, as if he had a nightmare.

"Lu Yuchen, don't drive me away, the person you love is me, I don't want to go..."

(End of this chapter)

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