Chapter 189 Little Fool

"An Qiaoran, wake up..."

Lu Yuchen called her in her ear, but An Qiaoran in the nightmare was still talking restlessly in sleep, sweating profusely.

"No...don't drive me away...Lu Yuchen..." An Qiaoran's voice became louder and she kept waving her hands.

Seeing her like this, Lu Yuchen felt pain in his heart, and reached out to hold her waving hand, "An Qiaoran, wake up."

What kind of nightmare is this terrible.

The hand held by Lu Yuchen tightened even more, and the fingers turned white, "No...don't!"

An Qiaoran exclaimed, opened his eyes suddenly, saw Lu Yuchen, and quickly reached out to grab his hand.

"Lu Yuchen, don't drive me away, the one you love is me, I don't want to leave you, don't drive me away, the one you love is me, right?"

An Qiaoran held his hand tightly and spoke eagerly.

Lu Yuchen was completely stunned by her appearance for half a second, and then he came to his senses, hugged her in his arms, and said softly, "It's all a dream, why would I drive you away?"

An Qiaoran leaned in his arms, clinging tightly to his chest, listening to his words, only then came to her senses.

It turned out that she was dreaming just now.

What a terrible dream, so terrible.

She took a deep breath with lingering fear, and then let go of Lu Yuchen, raised her eyes, looked at him with tears in her eyes, "Lu Yuchen..."

"What did you dream about?" Lu Yuchen stretched out his hand to caress An Qiaoran's wet face, and asked softly.

"I dreamed that you... fell in love with other women and drove me away."

She didn't know whether she should tell him or not, so she kept it simple.

After hearing her words, Lu Yuchen couldn't help frowning.

"No matter how much I begged you, you ignored me. You were still intimate with that woman in front of me, and even beat me." An Qiaoran said very aggrieved.

Although it was a dream, she still aches when she thinks about it now.

She was really scared that the day would come and she didn't want to leave him, not at all.

"How did you dream about this?" Lu Yuchen took the tissue on the bedside table, wiped the sweat from her forehead, and asked with a frown.

An Qiaoran shook his head, then suddenly took his hand away, and looked at him seriously, "Lu Yuchen, promise me, don't let me go."

Maybe she really had such a dream because of what the old lady said during the day. She needs a sense of security, a lot of security.

So, she needs his commitment.

Lu Yuchen stared at her deeply for a few seconds, then spoke, and a magnetic voice sounded, "I won't let you go, little fool."

little fool...

Being called by him like this, An Qiaoran felt a flash of sweetness in his heart, and his mood inexplicably improved. He nodded deeply, "Well, I believe in you."

"Go to sleep!" Lu Yuchen straightened her somewhat messy hair, with doting eyes.

An Qiaoran nodded and lay down.

Looking at An Qiaoran who closed his eyes again, Lu Yuchen's thin lips slightly curled up, smiled dotingly, and reached out to hug her.

This night, with Lu Yuchen's comfort, An Qiaoran slept until dawn.


The next day, it was New Year's Eve, An Qiaoran got up early in the morning and was busy with Nade in the kitchen.

In fact, it was An Qiaoran who saw De Butler making dumplings, so she also had itchy hands, so she washed her hands and made dumplings with De Butler. By the way, she also made her own best - glutinous rice balls.

She remembered that she was in the countryside with her mother when she was a child. At that time, every Chinese New Year, her mother would make glutinous rice balls for her to eat.

She was still very curious to ask her mother, other people's family eats dumplings during the Chinese New Year, why they eat glutinous rice balls.

Mom replied, because she hoped that she would be happy every day in the future.

Since then, she has felt that the taste of glutinous rice balls has the taste of her hometown and the taste of her mother.

An Qiaoran was standing in front of the kitchen table wrapping glutinous rice balls. When she was wrapping up vigorously, a big hand suddenly hugged her from behind.

(End of this chapter)

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