Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 308 Take a photo with you for a lifetime

Chapter 308 Take a photo with you for a lifetime

An Qiaoran got into the car and looked out through the window. The sound insulation effect of the window was very good.

Therefore, she only saw Lu Yuchen's back facing her, and she didn't know what he said, and those bodyguards knelt on the ground one after another, as if they were begging.

Lu Yuchen... is he going to do something to them?

He promised her to behave herself!It is impossible to do any radical things in public.

Strangely, Nianhua got in the car and left, leaving the bodyguards he brought with him kneeling on the ground.

De Butler didn't know what to say to Lu Yuchen, Lu Yuchen's eyes suddenly glanced at her, and a few seconds later, he got into the car.

The bodyguards were still kneeling there and did not get up.

"Lu Yuchen, are you telling them to kneel there and not be allowed to get up?" Before leaving, An Qiaoran glanced at the kneeling crowd.

Lu Yuchen has already left, they should be able to get up, but they didn't, what does this mean?
It means that Lu Yuchen is not allowed!

"I'm not that boring!" Lu Yuchen snorted coldly and drove away.

"Then they..."

"I knelt by myself." Lu Yuchen said impatiently, speeding up the car.

"What are you and Nade doing here?" If he hadn't come back early, I'm afraid she would have been taken away.

Nade alone can't stop so many people.

"Develop photos." An Qiaoran said, holding the photo frame tightly in his hands.

What An Qiaoran said, Lu Yuchen was a little stunned.

She came down here on purpose just to develop those two photos?
"You like it very much?" Lu Yuchen blurted out subconsciously.

"What?" An Qiaoran didn't understand his rambling words.

"You like these photos very much?" Lu Yuchen asked magnetically when he saw the photo of An Qiaoran hugging tightly in the rearview mirror.

From the very beginning, she has been holding the photo frame, and she has never let go of it. It can be seen that she likes it very much.

"Well, I like it very much." An Qiaoran nodded.

She likes the photos with Lu Yuchen.Although she has been married to him for so long, there is no one photo taken together. She likes this photo very much.

Lu Yuchen looked at the sweet smile on her face, and his eyes were slightly dazed.

"An Qiaoran, as long as you want, I can take photos with you for a lifetime."

Lu Yuchen's sudden words made An Qiaoran stunned for a few seconds. Looking at him in front of him, his heart was touched, and he nodded emotionally, "Okay!"


When we got back to the villa, it was completely dark, and Nade had already returned to the villa first, and had already prepared the meals.

After dinner, Lu Yuchen dragged An Qiaoran upstairs to the bedroom, and... urged her to wash her hair and take a shower.

"Lu Yuchen, you seem weird today~" She was asked to take a bath?Didn't he know she had only washed it when she came back?

Uh... cough cough!He really didn't seem to know.

"What's so strange about asking you to take a bath? Hurry up!" Seeing that she was not moving, Lu Yuchen urged her dissatisfied.

"Since when did you still take care of me?" An Qiaoran felt that Lu Yuchen was very strange, as if he had a purpose.

"You haven't showered for several days, hurry up." Lu Yuchen suddenly became incoherent, and a flash of uneasiness flashed in his eyes.

"I wash the photos before I go to wash them, okay?" An Qiaoran gave him a blank look, what's the matter? She hasn't showered for a few days, and she washes it every day, okay?
"Go wash it again!"

"I said you..." An Qiaoran wanted to say something more, but felt that he had nothing to refute him, so he nodded, "OK, I'll go wash."

After finishing speaking, An Qiaoran went into the cloakroom and took out the nightgown she bought today, which was already dry.

(End of this chapter)

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