Chapter 309 You Are Really A Pervert...

Lu Yuchen watched An Qiaoran enter the bathroom, then took out the crescent-shaped gift box from his pocket, opened it, and took out the hairpin inside.

For some reason, looking at this hairpin, he felt inexplicably good.

Although it wasn't an expensive item, it looked very...cute when worn on An Qiaoran's head.

Just as Lu Yuchen was thinking, he caught a glimpse of An Qiaoran's photo on the bedside table just now. Her very beautiful.

Especially the big bright eyes, and the white and pure face, no matter how hard you look at it, you can't get enough of it.

Fifteen minutes later, when An Qiaoran walked out of the bathroom after taking a shower, he saw Lu Yuchen in bed in his nightgown.

It was Lu Yuchen who was holding the photo frame and kissing her.

The picture was a bit... well, An Qiaoran couldn't hold back for a moment, burst out laughing.

"Pfft! Hahaha, Lu Yuchen, what are you doing?" His appearance just now was simply too childish.

Hearing the laughter, Lu Yuchen turned his eyes to see An Qiaoran walking towards him, his face was a little uncomfortable, "Don't laugh!"

How could An Qiaoran bear it?She threw herself forward and backward with laughter, and even patted the bed with her hands. One can imagine how happy she was laughing.

But Lu Yuchen's mood was exactly the opposite of hers.

As much as An Qiaoran laughed happily, Lu Yuchen's face was so gloomy. Finally, when An Qiaoran was covering his stomach with laughter, he couldn't help it anymore.

He picked her up from the bed, blocked her lips without any explanation, and stopped her laughter. For a while, the laughter stopped abruptly.

There was only silence in the huge bedroom.

An Qiaoran laughed so hard just now, how could she resist his passionate kiss?After a few seconds, his breathing became a little unsteady, and he stretched out his hand to push him away, panting heavily.

She almost couldn't help laughing just now, but after being kissed by him again, her face turned red and she almost suffocated.

"Stop laughing?" Lu Yuchen looked at her flushed face and couldn't help laughing.

She laughed happily just now, why is she so embarrassing now?It seems that this method is good!

An Qiaoran breathed for a long time before he recovered, and immediately stared at him dissatisfied, "You are really boring!"

In order to prevent her from laughing, he even came up with such a perverted idea.

"I just kissed you in the photo, and you smiled so happily, so why are you so angry when I kissed the real you?"

Lu Yuchen spoke deliberately, his eyes locked on the expression on her face.


After hearing what he said, An Qiaoran was stunned for a while, so he was just...

Thinking about it, An Qiaoran's face suddenly turned a little red, and finally she couldn't help contemptuously, "Lu Yuchen, you are really a pervert..."

Even kissing in photos, even kissing him when she laughed...

"Huh? I don't mind, I'll treat you a little more perverted." As Lu Yuchen said, his body approached her, as if he wanted to kiss her again.

An Qiaoran's body backed away unconsciously, and his face changed slightly, "Don't act recklessly?"

As An Qiaoran spoke, she reached out to stop him, but Lu Yuchen insisted on approaching her as if desperate.

Just when An Qiaoran thought that Lu Yuchen was going to do something to him, he suddenly reached out, took the towel in her hand, and looked at her seriously, "Sit down!"

An Qiaoran didn't seem to react yet, did he just let her go?
"Tell you to sit down!" Lu Yuchen couldn't help laughing at her blank expression.

"Oh!" An Qiaoran realized and sat cross-legged on the big bed.

Lu Yuchen sat behind her, with two long legs stretched out on both sides of her body, enveloping her whole body...

"Lu Yuchen, your it a little..."

(End of this chapter)

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