Chapter 367 Forced to stay on the island?

Hearing this, Yun Mo looked at her fearlessly, "Even if Lu Yuchen is here today, An Qiaoran can't leave this island!"

Even if he wants to tear his face off with Lu Yuchen because of this, he is not afraid.


"Okay, Yan'er, I just want her to be here with you. I don't mean any ill will to her."

Lan Yan wanted to say something more, but was interrupted impatiently by Yun Mo.

After Yun Mo finished speaking resolutely, he cast a look at Cao Qing, then embraced Lan Yan, turned around and walked towards the castle.

Lan Yan looked worriedly at An Qiaoran in front of the two bodyguards, and looked back at her every three steps.

Seeing her like this, An Qiaoran gave her a look, which meant that she didn't have to worry, and that she could stay here temporarily for her sake.

She believed that Yun Mo would believe her.

Even so, the worry on Lan Yan's face did not decrease much, and she left passively surrounded by clouds and ink.

In this way, An Qiaoran was "invited" back to the castle by two bodyguards, and had a wide range of activities, except that he could not leave the island.

The time to report to the hospital was nine o'clock, and it seemed that there was only half an hour left. We agreed to meet them downstairs in the dormitory at 08:30.

Seeing that the time has come, their call should also come.

An Qiaoran, who was sitting alone on the sofa, was thinking about it when the phone in her bag rang, and she took it out to see that it really belonged to Zhao Qiaoqiao.

"Ran Ran, where are you now? You said you were going to play at an old friend's house. Are you back yet? We're going to the hospital soon."

Last night, Sun Xu was worried that she would call to inquire, but An Qiaoran didn't know how to answer, so he just gave such a reason.

Although she knew this matter could not be hidden from Zhao Qiaoqiao.Because she knew her very well, it was impossible for her to have old friends in this unfamiliar place.She was just acting to match her.

"Um... I'm in a hurry here, so I may not be able to go for a few days. Remember to ask Sun Xu to tell the doctor for me. I'm afraid she will deduct my points."

"These few days?" Zhao Qiaoqiao noticed the important point, "Ran Ran, what happened to you? Why can't you come for so many days? Have you been plotted against?"

Listening to her words, Zhao Qiaoqiao always felt that she would be under house arrest or something would happen.

Otherwise, why would she not even go to the hospital?

After listening to Zhao Qiaoqiao's words, An Qiaoran felt a little helpless, "No, Qiaoqiao, you're overthinking. I'm fine at my friend's house. It's just that something happened to her recently. I want to stay with her for a few days."

"I said Ran Ran, can you think clearly when you lie in the future. You won't have any friends here at all, so don't use this reason to fool me anymore. Tell me, what happened to you? You Did you offend someone?"

Zhao Qiaoqiao took down her platform without hesitation, An Qiaoran had nothing to say.

"I'm just forced to stay on this island for a few days, but it's okay, I just met a friend on this island, and I'll go back after spending a few days with her."

"Do you think I'll believe you?" Zhao Qiaoqiao gave her a blank look through the phone, then suddenly remembered something, and said hastily.

"What did you just say? Forced to stay on the island? Which island?"

An Qiaoran: "..."

Before An Qiaoran could answer, Zhao Qiaoqiao on the phone said, "Is there a castle on that island? There is a prince living in it? It seems to be called Yunliwuli or something."

"What's in the clouds? It's obviously Yun Mo." An Qiaoran felt a little helpless.

"That's right, that's right, it's Yun Mo, who seems to be very powerful in country A, hey, no..." Zhao Qiaoqiao brought the topic back in time before she deviated from the topic.

(End of this chapter)

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