Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 368 Only Lu Qiaochen Can Save Ran Ran

Chapter 368 Only Lu Qiaochen Can Save Ran Ran
"Ran Ran, tell me the truth, what did you do yesterday? How did you offend the prince, so that you were put under house arrest on the island today?"

Zhao Qiaoqiao didn't believe the bunch of useless lies she told.

Those words can deceive Sun Xu, but not her.

Seeing that things had reached such a point, An Qiaoran had nothing to hide, so he told her the whole story.

After Zhao Qiaoqiao finished listening, the whole person roared on the phone.

"Who is this guy! What does it matter to you if his girlfriend wants to leave the island? Why does he ground you?"

"Qiao Qiao, I did this voluntarily, so don't scold him anymore. It's also because he loves his face too much."

An Qiaoran admitted that she was truly shocked by what Yun Mo said to Lan Yan.

That's why she decided to stay on the island.

"No matter what the reason is, you can't be grounded! Ran Ran, why don't you contact your family? He can definitely tie you up."

Hearing Zhao Qiaoqiao mention Lu Yuchen, An Qiaoran was in a daze, and then said indifferently, "It's okay, I said that this matter is voluntary, and I don't need to leave. So Qiao Qiao, don't worry about this matter, remember to remind Sun Xu, let her help me explain the situation to the doctor. That's all, bye."

After finishing speaking, before Zhao Qiaoqiao could answer, An Qiaoran had already hung up the phone.

Looking at the hung up phone, Zhao Qiaoqiao felt a little helpless, "This Ran Ran... Hasn't she always loved medicine the most? It's going to be reported today, but she still doesn't go."

"What's going on here?" Sun Xu, who was listening to Zhao Qiaoqiao answering the phone beside Zhao Qiaoqiao, suddenly asked.

He heard something was wrong on Zhao Qiaoqiao's phone just now, so he couldn't help but want to know the truth.

Zhao Qiaoqiao didn't know whether to tell him or not, but for An Qiaoran's sake, she still spoke up and told him what An Qiaoran had just told her.

After Sun Xu heard this, he was very angry, "It's too much, I'm going to find her! Bring her back myself!"

As he said that, he walked out excitedly, just in time to meet Jiang Hao who had bought breakfast and was about to come in, and cut him off.

"Where are you going? The time is up soon. Oh? Hasn't Ran Ran come back yet?"

Halfway through Jiang Hao's speech, he realized that An Qiaoran, who hadn't returned all night, hadn't come back yet, so he asked in surprise.

Unfortunately, no one answered his words.

"Get out of the way quickly, I have to go to Ran Ran now."

Sun Xu spoke in a hurry, and was about to push Jiang Hao away who was carrying the soy milk and fried dough sticks. Before he stepped out of the door of the room, Zhao Qiaoqiao's voice sounded.

"It's useless for you to go now. The prince of country A is powerful, and you may not be welcomed if you go, let alone send Ran Ran out of the island?"

Sun Xu became even more irritable when he said this one day, "Then what do you want to do? Ran Ran can't stay there forever, can she? What if that damned Yun Mo doesn't change his mind?"

Jiang Hao, who was completely unaware, listened to their words with a dazed expression on his face.

"What are you talking about? What prince? What Yunmo? What does Ran Ran's failure to return overnight have to do with him?"

Jiang Hao's doubts were not answered by anyone, and both Zhao Qiaoqiao and Sun Xu regarded him as a transparent person.

Zhao Qiaoqiao looked at the phone after thinking for a while, then remembered something, and looked at Sun Xu excitedly.

"At this time, there is only one person who can save Ran Ran, and it is useless for anyone to go except this person."

"Who?" Sun Xu and Jiang Hao said in unison.

Zhao Qiaoqiao looked at the two of them, and then spoke, one word at a time, slowly protruding three words from his mouth, "Lu-yu-chen."

(End of this chapter)

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