Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 412 What's wrong with me hugging my woman

Chapter 412 What's wrong with me hugging my woman

Several people looked at each other, and then saw the door of the back seat of the car being opened, and a woman in a long green dress came down.

When An Qiaoran looked at this person's face, he showed a surprised face, "Yan'er? Why are you here?"

The news of her return was not told to her. An Qiaoran was surprised to see her here.

Lan Yan walked in front of her, then bowed politely to her, "Hello, Mrs. Lu."

"Okay, don't tease me." An Qiaoran saw that she suddenly became so elegant, and she couldn't get used to it.

"I didn't tease you. Now the whole world knows that you are Lu Yuchen's wife. Who wouldn't bow their heads when they see you?" Lan Yan withdrew her seriousness and said with a smile.

When Lan Yan said that, An Qiaoran didn't know what to say.

When he was about to ask her something, he saw Yun Mo in a black suit slowly getting out of the car, walking straight to Lan Yan's side, and subconsciously hugging her waist.

Lan Yan was so startled that she reached out and patted his hand, "What are you doing with so many people?"

"What's wrong with me hugging my own woman?" Yun Mo said with a face of reason, but Lan Yan was speechless.

Seeing the sweet look of the two of them, An Qiaoran couldn't help but think of Lu Yuchen in his mind.

I still remember what he said to her at the airport, "Remember to miss me every day and call me at least three times a day."

An Qiaoran shook his head and recovered himself.

Unexpectedly, after a few hours, she began to miss Lu Yuchen, and she blamed the two people in front of her for showing affection.

"Sister Ran Ran, I have come here specially to invite you to the castle as a guest."

Lan Yan said, fearing that she would disagree, she continued to speak, "In order to wait for you, I asked Yun Mo to contact Lu Yuchen to find out about your flight this morning, so please do me a favor! I haven't seen you for a long time .”


After a long time, the reason why she knew she was here today was because she asked Yunmo to inquire about Lu Yuchen?
So it would be a little unnatural for her not to go.


An Qiaoran glanced at the few people who had walked not far away at some point, and then looked at Lan Yan, "Yan'er, I really don't need to bother you, I have to go to the hospital to report tomorrow, I really don't have time, another day I'll call you when I'm off duty, okay?"

"That's it!" Lan Yan replied with some disappointment, "Okay! Then I should treat you to a meal, right?"

Lan Yan looked at An Qiaoran pitifully.

An Qiaoran couldn't bear it, "Okay! I just happened to be hungry too."

After a day of flying, in order to prevent airsickness, she only took a bite of bread before boarding the plane, and didn't dare to eat more, so that she was really hungry now.

"Okay then! Those are your friends! Call them together, it's so lively."

Lan Yan glanced at Zhao Qiaoqiao and the others not far away, and then suggested.

"Okay! I'll go and talk to them." Saying that, An Qiaoran pretended to be and walked towards Zhao Qiaoqiao and the others.

At this time, Yun Mo said, "When you came out, you didn't say you wanted to have dinner with her."

Yun Mo looked at Lan Yan, his handsome face was full of dissatisfaction.

"But I'm hungry!" Lan Yan pouted, a little guilty.

Yun Mo: "I can eat with you!"

"You can go with us too!" Lan Yan smiled at Yun Mo.

Yun Mo's whole face turned down, "So many people are so troublesome, I just want to eat with you."

"That's okay, I want to eat with Sister Ran Ran." Lan Yan spread her hands helplessly, and as she said that, she walked towards An Qiaoran.

"Sister Ran Ran, have you discussed it?"

"We're ready, let's go!" An Qiaoran said after introducing Lan Yan to Zhao Qiaoqiao and the others.

Lan Yan nodded, "Then let's go!"

(End of this chapter)

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